
Summary: God has given to all believers the Great Commission – to preach the good news and make disciples. Here are 5 keys Jesus gives to effective evangelism.

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INTRO TO TOPIC: When I mention the word “evangelism”, what do you think of?

• Someone standing on the street corner shouting out, “Turn or burn!”

• The fear associated with going from house to house knocking on people’s doors?

2008 = a year of new beginnings, and a year of the HARVEST!


“And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15).

“And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen.” (Matthew 28:18-20).

THE BIG IDEA: God has given to all believers the Great Commission – to preach the good news and make disciples. However, few Christians have responded to this call from Jesus. It’s time to get back to the basics of what it means to be a disciple.


Perhaps the most common fear, however, is that of being rejected. A survey was given to those attending training sessions for the Billy Graham crusade in Detroit. One question asked, "What is your greatest hindrance to witnessing?"

• 9% said they were too busy to remember to do it.

• 28% felt the lack of real information to share.

• None said they didn’t really care.

• 12% said their own lives were not speaking as they should.

• 51% biggest problem was the fear of how the other person would react!

None of us likes to be rejected, ridiculed, or regarded as an oddball.

Lieghton Ford, Good News is for Sharing, 1977, David C. Cook Publishing Co., Page 15.


“1 After these things the Lord appointed seventy others also, and sent them two by two before His face into every city and place where He Himself was about to go. 2 Then He said to them, "The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest. 3 Go your way; behold, I send you out as lambs among wolves. 4 Carry neither money bag, knapsack, nor sandals; and greet no one along the road. 5 But whatever house you enter, first say, ’Peace to this house.’ 6 And if a son of peace is there, your peace will rest on it; if not, it will return to you. 7 And remain in the same house, eating and drinking such things as they give, for the laborer is worthy of his wages. Do not go from house to house. 8 Whatever city you enter, and they receive you, eat such things as are set before you. 9 And heal the sick there, and say to them, ’The kingdom of God has come near to you.’” (Luke 10:1-9).


1. Take a travelling buddy. Jesus sent his disciples out two by two. (v.1)

2. Expect persecution. Jesus sends us out as lambs among wolves. (v.3)

3. Travel light. In today’s world, we have become so busy and sophisticated! (v.4)

4. Spend time building relationships with people. Entering homes and sharing meals together. The most effective ministry is that which flows out of relationship. (v.5)

5. Be a blessing to them! Bring “Peace” to people’s homes and “Heal the sick there.” (v.5 & 9)


A pastor was repairing the church fence. A boy was standing nearby for a long while.

The pastor asks him: "Do you want to speak with me, my son?"

"No, I’m just waiting." "Waiting for what?"

"Waiting to hear what a pastor says when he hits his finger with a hammer."

• People are watching our lives!

STORY: At Chicken Delight this past week, woman & baby had no money –paid for her pizza.

As Christians, we are called to be light in our dark world! We are blessed to be a blessing.

ILLUSTRATION: Imagine if someone found the cure for cancer but didn’t share it with anyone - that’s what it’s like when we don’t tell people the Gospel.

• If you saw a child in a burning building, what would you do? Would you save them?

• The church today is like baby eagles in a soft comfortable nest, its time for the momma bird to start taking out the down feathers and get us out of the nest and fly.

STORY: Dwight Moody

One day DL Moody was walking down the street and approached a man and asked if he would like to meet Jesus. The man was irritated and said, “Sir, mind your own business.” Moody’s response was, “But sir, this is my business!” The man said, “Then you must be Dwight Moody!”

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