
Summary: A talk on prophecy that relates directly to the resurrection of Christ.

Text: 1 Cor 15:4, Title: Missing Prophecy? Date/Place: NRBC, 4/1/12, AM

Opening illustration: the conversation that I had with the family about prophecies of Jesus

Background to passage: it just amazed me that there weren’t more and more specific prophecies about the resurrection, and so my pursuit began there.

Main thought: I want to just do a bible study tonight on the prophecy specifically related to the resurrection

Veiled OT References (v. Psalm 16:10, 56:13, Isa 25:8, Hos 6:2, Jonah 1:17)

Psalm 16:10 – this reference is directly used by Peter in Acts 2:27-31 and Paul in Acts 13:35-38 to give an OT reference to the resurrection of Jesus. As with most of these references, there is dispute as to whether or not the original readers would have interpreted it this way. But the thing with all prophecy is that it is usually not explicit on every detail. And there will be further understanding after the fact.

Psalm 49:15 – redemption from the power of the grave is definitely a reference to a resurrection. This psalm doesn’t seem to have messianic overtones, so it may or may not refer specifically to Jesus’ resurrection. But the second phrase could also relate to Christ’s words from the cross, “into Your hands, I commit my spirit.”

Psalm 56:13 – this reference probably has more of a reference to David’s deliverance from death after his capture of the Philistines, hence the title.

Isa 25:8 – Often when the bible speaks of Christ’s resurrection in the rest of the NT, it is related to our resurrection. This text speaks of the hope in the resurrection and eternal life in general by making the statement that God will swallow up death in victory. Paul references this text in 1 Cor 15:54. And the keys of death and hell declared by Christ to be in His possession currently in Rev 1:18 because He is risen. So Jesus is the one spoke of here as conquering death.

Hos 6:2 – This text is dealing with the revival of the nation after their sin, punishment, and repentance. But it is the clearest reference to the resurrection and the time frame of three days; which by the way was the time frame that the Jews understood that natural decay of the body would take place after death.

Jonah 1:17 – This speaks of the general story of Jonah as the prophecy rather than just this verse. And this is because of the words of Jesus in Matt 12:38-40. The interpretation of this event in light of the resurrection gives us an example of the legitimate use of these texts that are not specific to testify to the resurrection as prophecies.

Illustration: tell about Alauna’s dad and I disagreeing over the interpretation of Gen 3:15

I would suspect with the prophecy related to the end times (Revelation, etc.) will be further illuminated by the actual events. This is one of the reasons that I am cautious about specifics down to the moment by moment identification of things that will happen. The Jews concept of the Messiah was incomplete, and at least from a popular standpoint it didn’t include a crucified Messiah, which would preclude a resurrection. But the focus of scripture IS Christo-centric, and therefore most of these texts can be applied, at least, to the resurrection of Jesus. Whether it was specifically prophesied or not does not have a bearing on it’s truth. Even if there were no references, the historical record is immense. 80 pages in Evidence that Demands a Verdict. Some say that for Paul’s statement to be true in 1 Cor, there is not a need for a specific reference. Either way, God has fortold of the resurrection of Christ for our benefit and edification. Jesus was abundantly clear.

Words of Jesus (v. Matt 28:38-40)

There are 12 actual predictions that Jesus made of his own resurrection that are recorded. There are another 3-4 times that other people reiterate that he said that (more than just the disciples). And who knows how many times He probably said it that were not written down (arguments from silence are not really proof). As with much OT material that He referenced, Jesus clarified and interpreted. And He was very clear on these references. Both the disciples and the Pharisees understood what he was saying (with the expection of the “destroy this temple” saying).

Matt 12:38-40, 16:21, 17:9, 17:22-23, 20:18-19, 26:32, Mark 8:31, 9:31, 10:32-34, 14:28, Luke 9:22, 2:18-22,


The application of these truths is really to bolster our confidence in God for His planning and supervision of all things. It is a strengthening of our faith and gives us confidence in the reliability of the OT and NT. It reminds us that the cross and resurrection of Christ was not a quick fix or an unforseen rescue plan, but a foreordained event in the mind of God from eternity past. We can rejoice that God is not restrained by anything, and has all power to do everything. He refused to leave His Son in the ground.

Closing illustration:


Invitation to commitment

Additional Notes

Is Christ Exalted, Magnified, Honored, and Glorified?

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