Miracle In The House
Contributed by Barry Edmondson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Miracles Are For Today.
“Miracle In The House” Text 2Kings 4:1-7.
Miracles are not accidents. Miracles happen to those who need them, to those who want them, and to those who reach out for them. Have you ever watched a race perhaps the Daytona 500 or a 100 yard dash, or a swim meet ? I have seen many races but I’ve yet to see any race where the where the finish line moves toward the runner or swimmer. NO! Always 100% of the time the runner or the a swimmer has to move toward THE finish line. If your looking for a miracle you’ve got to move toward that miracle. You can’t expect it to move toward you! You have got to do your part. A lot of people say I’m waiting for a miracle. My Answer is great but what are you doing to receive that miracle? Nothing I’m just sitting here waiting for my miracle. Maybe you have lost sight of your vision There was a time when you were on fire for God , You wanted to win the world for Christ, you wanted to tell the world what Christ has done for you But today you have lost sight of your vision, Today,you need your miracle restored.
1. Take an Inventory of what you have(v2) God wants to work miracles, God wanats to see faith rise up with in your spirit. But instead of heraing proclamations of faith from your Spirit He hars complaints, He hars gripes and murmurings. Take an inventory of what God has given you. (Count your blessings) Take a look at the Spiritual gifts that you have God is asking the question Tell me what do you have in the house? You may say Lord Well the only thing I have is the gift of helps He says I’ll use it This is where your miracle begins. You may think I don’t have Anything”But when you Realize that Jesus is all you Got, You Realize Jesus is all you need.
When God called me to be a pastor I started giving Him excuses Lord, I Don’t have enough education, I don’t have this or that. But I learned something God knows where you are He knows where you need to be, and He knows how to get you there.
(A) “The House” Can represent the place where you are.: So many times we find ourselves running to the left and to the right looking for a miracle. We think we can find a miracle in this place or that place, When the Miracle is right where you are at. Why? Because the faith to belive in a Miracler working God is not out here , but it is in here.
B. “The House” Can represent your body. (1Cor 6:19) There are miracles in thisd place today. There are miracles in the body of Christ sittinjg before us today. You are miracles that God has sent to this church to fullfill the vison He has for his church. The Miracle for SCC to reach souls and disciple believers is in the house. The miracle for SCC to hold a DVBS is in the house. The miracle For SCC to become a soul saving healing deliverance centre is in the House. Do you know whay there is a miracle in the house? Because God is in the House!!! Let me say iut again God is in the House!! You see the miracle for you to be forgiven is in the house, The miracle for you to be restored is in the house The miracle for you to get healing is in the house THE Miracle is in the HOUSE .
2. God uses Small things to create big miracles.(v2B).
Little becomes much when you place it in the Masters Hand. Like Moses All that He had was a rod God said what do you have in your hands or in other words whaqt do you have in the House? And with that rod Miracles flowed forth. The Red Sea was parted right before his eyes. Little becomes much when you place it in the Master’s hands. The feeding of the five thousands ll that was needed was 1 bag lunch of Fish and bread and 5,000 were fed Little becomes much when u place it in the Master’s hand. What Does your Jar look like today? Are you willling to give it to God?
3. You do your Part And God Will Do His.(v3-4).
(A) Put aside what others may think or say.
(B) Don’t let fear rob you of a Miracle.
© In Order to recive you must first let Go.
We haver got to let go of our preconceived Ideas of How God will perfom His miracles. Look at What God is doing right here b4 our eyes, but we must let Go of our preconceived ideas of how we think God is going to pull this off. We need to let go in order to receive.