
Summary: 3 of ? Elizabeth & Mary shared their experiences as ministry partners in God’s service. Ministry partnerships foster an atmosphere for sharing experience in God’s service. But What exactly do those partnerships in God's service share? Ministry partnerships share...

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Luke 1:46-55[part-1--:46-50](:39-56)


The other day, my wife(the First Lady of Salem) was making a big pot of vegetable soup. But she didn’t want us to start eating it immediately, because she had only recently added some key ingredients to the soup. She said that the freshly added ingredients needed to quote, ‘carry on together’ for some time, before the soup’s flavor would reach it’s peak of deliciousness.

The diversity of freshly added ingredients for my wife’s vegetable soup need to ‘carry on together’, before the soup would reach it’s peak of deliciousness....

*And So, Ministry Partnerships must ‘carry on together’ in order to apply God’s power to His Kingdom work! In so doing, those Ministry Partnerships offer a sure attraction to fellow Christians, as well as to a world that is lost in sin!


Ministry Partnerships bring both challenge & reward!

Ministry Partnerships teach us about the importance of Christian teamwork, as we work toward common goals. They reveal the significance of depending upon God.

Those partnerships can help us to see the personal weaknesses & strengths that God has blessed us with, & that He works thru & with.

Ministry Partnerships help divulge our passions & giftedness in the Lord.

Ministry Partnerships show us the power of God to overcome our human weakness.

Elizabeth & Mary shared their experiences as ministry partners in God’s service.

Ministry partnerships foster a sharing of experience in God’s service.

BUT, What exactly do such ministry partnerships share?

Previously we’ve discovered that...

Ministry Partnerships share...

1. EXCITEMENT(:39-40)

2. GOD’s BLESSING(:41-45)

Today, we will find that:

3—Ministry Partnerships ALSO share...



:46—“And Mary said: “My soul magnifies the Lord,”

“Mary” responded to the confirmation of her encounter with God, both thru the angel & thru her relative Elizabeth. “Mary” offers up praises to God, by saying what follows in verses :47-55.

Being the recipient of God’s blessings(:41-45) stirred “Mary” to “magnify” the Lord God.

•To “magnify” “the Lord” God, is to call attention to, or shine a bright-white spotlight on, or to point to

•And “Mary” “magnifies the Lord” with the depth of her “soul”(quch). In the very depth & essence of her being—her “soul” & in her “spirit”(pneuma--:47), “Mary” points to, exalts, & lifts up the Lord, to give Him glory!

She gives God the glory, because He alone is worthy of it!

•“The Lord” is worthy of receiving “Mary’s” ascribing glory to God, because He is the One who brought the excitement & blessing to “Mary’s” life!

•“Mary” does not place herself &/or any agenda of hers, above or of greater importance than that of God!


“Soul”—quch—Noun Nominative Sing. Fem.—1) Breath—1a) The breath of life—1a1) The vital force which animates the body & shows itself in breathing—1a1a) Of animals, 1a1b) Of men, 1b) Life, 1c) That in which there is life—1c1) A living being, a living soul; 2) The soul—2a) The seat of the feelings, desires, affections, aversions(our heart, soul etc.), 2b) The (human)soul in so far as it is constituted that by the right use of the aids offered it by God it can attain its highest end & secure eternal blessedness, the soul regarded as a moral being designed for everlasting life, 2c) The soul as an essence which differs from the body(distinguished from other parts of the body). Strong—from qucw[meaning ‘to breathe.’]; Breath, i.e. by implication--Spirit, abstractly or concretely--The animal sentient(perceptive) principle only; thus distinguished on the one hand from pneuma, which is the rational & immortal soul; & on the other from zwh, which is mere vitality, even of plants: these terms thus exactly correspond respectively to the Hebrew vpn, xwr & yx).?Quch corresponds to Hebrew—vpn. A)quch—Breath, i.e. by implication--Spirit, abstractly or concretely--The animal sentient(perceptive) principle only, which is distinguished from B) pneuma—The rational & immortal soul, & C)zwh—Mere vitality, even of plants. These terms thus exactly correspond respectively to the Hebrew...A)vpn, B)xwr & C)yx.

“Magnifies”—megalunw—Present Active Indicative 3rd Sing.—1) To make great, magnify—1a) metaph. to make conspicuous; 2) To deem or declare great—2a) To esteem highly, to extol, laud, celebrate; 3) To get glory & praise. Strong—To make(or declare) Great, i.e. Increase or figuratively--Extol. Used 8X.?From—megav, OR feminine--megalh, OR plural--megaloi—Big, Large, Great(literally or figuratively, in a very wide application).

“Lord”(See :43)—kuriov—Noun Accusative Sing. Masc.—1) He to whom a person or thing belongs, about which he has power of deciding; master, lord—1a) The possessor & disposer of a thing—1a1) The owner; one who has control of the person, the master, 1a2) in the state--The sovereign, prince, chief, the Roman emperor, 1b) Is a title of honor expressive of respect & reverence, with which servants greet their master, 1c) This title is given to: God, the Messiah. Kuriov has a wider meaning[than despothv], applicable to the various ranks & relations of life & not suggestive of either property or of absolutism. Strong—Supreme in authority, i.e. as noun--Controller; by implication--Mr.(as a respectful title); from kurov(supremacy).

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