Mindfulness For Christians
Contributed by George Warner on Oct 5, 2022 (message contributor)
Summary: Happiness depends as much upon temperament as upon fortune
PHILIPPIANS 4:8 says : Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report : If there be any virtue and if there be any praise think on these things.
BUT what exactly is the human mind supposed to think about ? A succinct answer to that is Ecclesiastes 12:13, Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. But for us as individuals that maxim covers a sizeable range of duties, both general and evangelical, that the mind engages itself with in daily life. And I have a significant number of instructions and reminders for getting things done. Aristotle states in his Ethics that we are more capable of continuous contemplation than what we are of any practical activity. This seems to imply that the ideal life of a human being contains a well balanced mixture of practical activity to prevent boredom and peaceful thought to prevent burnout. An early Christian writer named Silvanus said : The mind with respect to actual being is in a place: Which means it is in the body: But with respect to thought the mind is not in a place: For how can it be in a place when it contemplates every place ? End of quote.
The adversary of mankind preys upon undisciplined thinkers. He perpetually tries to remind them of the worst details of the unchangeable past, or make them worry excessively about things present and to come, or make them devise all kinds of vain imaginations through high mindedness. Doing good is like walking uphill, it requires effort. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Sinners don't have to think hard. Satan does their thinking for them. They just relax and yield to his pride dominated mindset. Then whatever he tempts them to do seems easy until things go wrong. The Adversary Is God's Ape.
SOME RELEVANT MAXIMS from various sources : Happiness depends as much upon temperament as upon fortune. Happiness unless it tempers itself destroys itself. If you get what you want in life it's temporal, if you don't get what you want you're not happy. Virtue is its own reward. It is the riches of the mind only that make a man rich and happy. Seek peace and pursue it. Mark the perfect man and behold the upright for the end of that man is peace (Psalms 34 and 37).
I RECOMMEND to Christians that they live their lives in a way that maximizes peace especially if you are mature in years. Solomon said, Better is the sight of the eyes than the wandering of the desire (Ecclesiastes 6:9). Think of the word KISS as meaning Keep It Safe and Simple. We live in a paradoxical world which means we may often face things which can seriously affect the worth of an idea or plan. Sometimes these things are obvious hazards and sometimes they are hidden. It is not easy to give comprehensive guidelines about these things because I guess many people enjoy challenges and prefer to think adventurously especially when they are young. When I was young I was an artillery soldier, I did parachute jumps and I served in Northern Ireland.
RELEVANT MAXIMS : What is philosophy ? Answer: To have a well-reasoned assessment of each occurrence, and not to be carried away by impulses but to study carefully the potential consequences of the passions, and by exercising proper and necessary restraint carry out what the occasion demands. What is the boundary of courage ? Answer: If the intent were rightly accomplished as planned in acts involving risks.
George Warner