Mighty God, Immanuel Series
Contributed by Steve Malone on May 1, 2020 (message contributor)
Summary: In this message we will look at 2 names for Jesus found in Isaiah that speak to His divinity.
Mighty God, Immanuel
He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For everything was created by Him, in heaven and on earth, the visible and the invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities— all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and by Him all things hold together.
He is also the head of the body, the church; He is the beginning,
the firstborn from the dead, so that He might come to have first place in everything. – Colossians 1:15-18 (HCSB)
For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority.
– Colossians 2:9-10
LAST WEEK – we kicked off a brand new series called, ‘Name Above All Names.” A SERIES – where we are unpacking several of the names or titles given to, in an effort to know more fully the One we have chosen to follow.
AND LISTEN – I am convinced that knowing Jesus better is the exact thing we need in these troubled and uncertain times.
NOW LAST SUNDAY – we kicked off this series with a conversation called – ‘The Word Became Flesh.’ It was a message about the humanity of Jesus and how though He was fully God, He was also fully man.
Like is in every way and like God in every way.
Yeah I know, that's some seriously crazy stuff to wrap our brains around.
AND WE SAW – last week that Jesus becoming a man, the Word becoming flesh - was a really big deal for at least 5 reasons.
Jesus the man…
• Allows You To See God
• Allows You To See Yourself
• Shows You Who You Can Become
• Destroyed Death and the devil
• Understands Everything That You Will Ever Experience
NOW THIS MORNING – (5/3/20) the title for Jesus that we will be unpacking is kind of two fold… YET – expresses the same truth, ‘Mighty God, Immanuel.’
BOTH of these titles show up in the book of the prophet Isaiah who lived about 700 years before God the Son put on flesh and invaded our planet.
AND THEY – speak to the divinity of Jesus.
UNDERSTAND – when it comes to Jesus it was not just flesh and blood that walked the earth…
IT WAS – all the fullness of the God-head in bodily form.
OKAY – here is how I want to attack today’s conversation, by unpacking 3 statements.
• Jesus is God
• That’s a really huge deal
• And He is with us always
Let’s do this…
I. Jesus Is God
• Do you believe that Jesus is God?
• Do you believe that Jesus is 1/3 of the trinity?
• Do you believe that there is God-the Father, God-the Spirit and God the Son?
Go ahead and raise your hands and (say or type) in the comments AMEN!
NOW – I am not at all surprised by your response.
I MEAN – for most of us the fact that Jesus is God… is a no brain-er. LIKE – we have known and believed that for years.
BUT LISTEN – not everyone believes that Jesus is God… IN FACT – of the ~ 8 billion people who currently walk on this planet, 5.5 billion don’t believe it…
• Other religions don’t
• Cults don’t
• Most college professors don’t
• Secular society doesn’t
SURE – they may admit that Jesus existed (I mean, you would be a fool not too)
HOWEVER – they just believe that Jesus was a good guy, a nice guy and some may go as far to say that he was a great moral teacher…
BUT – 2/3 of the world refuses to call Him God.
NOW – if I may be so bold… ‘those 5.5 billion people are all wrong!” BECAUSE - Jesus is God…
AND – let me share a few reasons why I know that He is…
FIRST - because of;
A) What Other People Said About Him…
1) Isaiah
NOW LET ME – give a brief background for this text I am about to read in Isaiah 7:14.
UNDERSTAND – this is the first time we find the term ‘Immanuel’ (which means God with us) in the Bible.
IN FACT – the term is used only 2 more times in all of Scripture… IN - Isaiah 8:8 and when the angel appears to Joseph in Matthew 1:23.
JUST – 3 times and Isaiah 7:14 in the first time.
NOW AS – Isaiah chapter 7 opens up Judah (the southern kingdom) was about to be attacked by her enemies.
AND THE - people (rightly so) were terrified of the foreign army that would soon invade their land…