
Summary: Your legacy has a lot to do with your vantage point. What you pay attention to will get your attention. What gets your attention will determine your direction. Your direction will determine your destination. Your destination determines your legacy. So look.


- As we enter the final mini-series of Core 52, our final series is entitled Look.

- We will look back, look around, and look forward.

- Today, we will look ahead.

- Our first message will focus on something you may or may not think much about when you are young and have a lot of life in front of you.

- However, as you age and the runway of your life gets shorter and shorter, you may start to think more about the focus of the message today.

- I pray that the content of today’s message is something that you start considering today, no matter how old or young you are.

- In your life, you do consider what you will leave behind when you are gone.

- Your legacy has a lot to do with your vantage point.

- What you pay attention to will get your attention.

- What gets your attention will determine your direction.

- Your direction will determine your destination.

- Your destination determines your legacy.

- What are you leaving behind, but really the question is what are you leaving for the future.

- Your legacy is not simply about your past accomplishments; it is about how your life will impact the lives of others when you are no longer here.

- The Apostle Paul is nearing the end of his life.

- He has enjoyed close to a 15-year relationship with his protege, Timothy.

- Paul’s work was essential to him, and he wanted to ensure the vital work he did for the Lord continued.

- Paul was aware that his work and message were going to be an important cornerstone of the church, and he knew as he looked ahead to the future without him that he needed to ensure there were others who would carry the torch for Jesus.

- What Paul did during his ministry and life was he mentored people who would continue the work of teaching and spreading the Gospel.

- As you will see in your reading this week, you will not find the word MENTOR in the Bible.

- There are a string of mentors in the Bible.

- Jethro mentored Moses, who had to face Pharaoh.

- Moses, in turn, mentored Joshua, who led the conquest of the promised land.

- Eli mentored Samuel, who then guided Saul and David, the first kings of Israel.

- Elijah mentored Elisha, who confronted wayward kings.

- Mordecai mentored Esther, who intervened with King Xerxes, saving her nation from extinction.

- Jesus mentored his twelve apostles.

- Barnabas mentored Paul, who paid it forward to Timothy, Titus, and many others.

- Mentoring was so important to Paul’s ministry that in his final letter to young Timothy, he pleaded with him to continue this tradition (2 Timothy 2:2).

- Moore, Mark E. Core 52: A Fifteen-Minute Daily Guide to Build Your Bible IQ in a Year (p. 332). The Crown Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

- Let’s go to our passage together as we dig into the subject of mentoring.

- Do you want your life to count and to be impactful after the Lord calls you home?

2 Timothy 2:2 (NET 2nd ed.)

2 And entrust what you heard me say in the presence of many others as witnesses entrust to faithful people who will be competent to teach others as well.


I. Model the Faith.

- If we are going to impact the lives of others for Jesus, one of the most important things we need to do is to model our faith.

- If we claim to be people of faith, then to be effective, we need to show our faith to others.

- People need to see that Jesus has impacted our lives.

- Sitting in church every Sunday is not all there is to modeling faith; I believe it is a vital part of our witness.

- Being active in God’s church shows a sense of priority in one’s life.

- If I tell people that Jesus is my Lord and Saviour and that Jesus means everything to me, yet my life models that He is not, what does that tell people?

- What if I tell my family I am a Christian, and I want them to be one, yet they see me abusing their mother, or I am a tyrant in my own home?

- What if everything in my life comes ahead of Jesus?

- What message does that say?

- Let me share something for those of you with children and a spouse at home: you cannot fool them.

- You can say what you want about your faith, but I am telling you that they are not listening to that sermon; they are listening to the sermon you are modeling with your life.

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