
Summary: A reminder of the meaning of our soldier's and our Savior's Memorial Day

Tomorrow many in America will celebrate the Memorial Day holiday. And unfortunately the true meaning will be lost between boat rides and BBQ. In fact, many people mistakenly thank veterans on Memorial Day, because they only connect it with military service. But the main reason we observe this holiday, is to pause and remember those brave men and women who have given their all, and paid the ultimate sacrifice by shedding their blood for this wonderful country. It is the day that all of the white crosses of Arlington Cemetery serve as reminders of this solemn day, and speak for those they represent by saying, “Remember me”.

As Christian believers, we too celebrate the memorial of our Savior Jesus Christ. The image of His Cross also speaks to us as a reminder of His saving sacrifice for us. But Jesus gave us specific instructions and a specific way to remember what it cost to bring each and everyone who believes, peace with our Righteousness Heavenly Father, and salvation from His divine judgment.

(take your bread)

With this symbol of His body that was wounded for our transgression, bruised for our iniquity, and chastised for our peace… When we take and eat this bread, we Remember that by His stripes, we are healed! (pray)

(take your cup)

This cup also is a reminder of Jesus. It is a reminder that without the shedding of blood, there is no remission from sin. It is a reminder that eternal life is only found in the bloody death of God’s perfect Lamb. We remember that He died the death we should have died for the payment of our sin. (pray)

Jesus said:

This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends. John 15:12-13 NKJV

Remember our Savior today.

Remember our soldiers tomorrow.

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