
Summary: 2 of 2. Luke informs his audience of the primary/indispensable/essential elements of God’s plan for man’s salvation. God’s plan for man demands some specifically essential elements. What elements does God’s plan for man, demand? God’s plan for man demands...

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Luke 1:34-38(:26-38)


Just a Little More:

A local restaurant was so sure that one of its waiters was the strongest man around, that they offered a $1,000 bet that the waiter could squeeze a lemon so dry, that no one could get another drop out. Many people tried but no one was ever able to succeed.

One day a scrawny little man wearing a polyester suit & glasses came in & said confidently, “I’m here to take on your waiter in the lemon-squeezing challenge.” After the laughter died down, the waiter grabbed the lemon, & with a smirk on his face, squeezed it until it was as dry as the desert.

The little man took the wrinkled remains of the lemon from the waiter’s hand, & clenched it in his small fist. The crowd watched in disbelief, as six drops of juice fell from the lemon!

The crowd excitedly clamored around him asking, “Who are you?, “What do you do for a living?”

The little man replied, “My name is not so important, but it should be obvious to you that I work for the IRS(Internal Revenue Service)!”

All the elements for the IRS agent’s success were present!

And in order for ‘God’s plan’ to be fulfilled, key elements, essential to it’s success, must be put into operation!


All people are lost & homeless from heaven, IF they do not accept God’s forgiveness for their sin.

And God’s forgiveness can only be yours, by your personally trusting Jesus Christ as the one-&-only, all encompassing, sacrificial, propitiatory, payment for your sin! MEETING The DEMANDS For GOD’s PLAN-II—

Luke 1:34-38(:26-38)

Luke informs his audience of the primary/indispensable/essential elements of God’s plan for man’s salvation.

God’s plan for man demands some specifically essential elements.

What elements does God’s plan for man, demand?

We had previously seen that,

God’s plan for man demands...




4—A FULFILLED/eternal REIGN(:32-33)

Today, we’ll find that,

5—God’s plan for man demands...



:34—“Then Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I do not know a man?” ”

:35—“And the angel answered & said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, & the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God.” ”

:34—“Then Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I do not know a man?” ”

“Mary” replied to the angel’s promise.

She wondered how it would be possible for her to become pregnant since she was a virgin(:27, 31). “Mary” had never “known a man” intimately....And she obviously would not compromise her faith in God, by doing anything that she knew would smack of disobedience to Him.

•It seems “Mary” correctly understood God’s promise thru Gabriel, that the conception would begin immediately!

•Though “Mary” was betrothed(:27), she never considered the possibility of sexual relations outside of that promise/marriage.

“Mary” may have been ‘innocent’ regarding her sexual purity, but she was still a sinner, in need of the very Savior, who would be born thru her!

*The Roman Catholic Church declared that Mary to be “free from original sin” by the Council of Trent in 1545+. “One of the Roman Catholic Church’s most egregious errors”, remains their transformation of the righteous & humble mother of our Lord Jesus, into “the exalted queen of heaven.”—MNTC...

...However there is no ‘queen of heaven’ except in pagan belief!

•Concerning some aberrant & blasphemous views about Mary proffered thru the Catholic Church—MNTC: ?•“Pope Pius IX’s encyclical Ineffabilis Deus[1854] declares “that Mary is “the seat of all divine graces...adorned with all gifts of the Holy almost infinite treasury, an inexhaustible abyss of these gifts.””?•“Pope Leo XIII agreed, declaring in his encyclical Octobri Mense[1891] that “Mary is the intermediary through whom is distributed unto us this immense treasure of mercies gathered by God””?•“Pope Pius X,” “In his encyclical ‘Ad Deum Illum Laetissimum’,”[1903]...“called Mary”...“the “Dispensatrix[female dispenser] of all the gifts that Our Savior purchased for us by His Death & by His Blood; the supreme Minister of the distribution of graces, the distributor...of the treasures of His merits.””?And wrote that, “there is no surer or more direct road than by Mary for uniting all mankind in Christ & obtaining through Him the perfect adoption of sons, that we may be holy & immaculate in the sight of God.”?•Ludwig Ott wrote in Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma[1954]—“Since Mary’s Assumption into Heaven, no grace is conferred on man without her actual intercessory cooperation”.”

*Obviously, the Roman Catholic Church’s teaching regarding “Mary’s” exaltation—praying to & thru her—is a bizarre & irreverent fiction, that insults & dishonors God’s good name, for the sake of maintaining ‘man’s false religion.’

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