Meeting At High Noon
Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Apr 19, 2018 (message contributor)
Summary: Scripture: Acts 8:26-40 Theme: Meeting at High Noon Subject: We see how the Holy Spirit is orchestrating the outward movements of the Early Church. We see how the Holy Spirit is bring into reality the New Age of Salvation for everyone.
Scripture: Acts 8:26-40 (Call to Worship - Psalm 23)
Theme: Meeting at High Noon
Subject: We see how the Holy Spirit is orchestrating the outward movements of the Early Church. We see how the Holy Spirit is bring into reality the New Age of Salvation for everyone.
I. The Holy Spirit Must be the Primary Catalyst
II. When the Holy Spirit leads Amazing Results Happen
Grace and peace from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who came to take away the sin(s) of the world!
There are two things that most of us I believe think are both enjoyable to see and be a part of:
1. One is a well-oiled and well running machine - be that well oiled machine our factory, company, school, sports team or church.
2. The second one is knowing that what you are doing and saying is in the will of the LORD.
We all like it when everything around us is working properly. None of us like getting into our vehicles and after going a few miles begin to hear a strange clunking noise. We don't like turning on our washing machines and suddenly hear some kind of strange/odd noise. And we don't like it when the team at the office, the team at the factory or our sports teams seems to be out of whack. We like it when things run smoothly, efficiently and successfully. When that happens life is wonderful.
We also like it when we know that we are walking in the will of the LORD. We like it when we feel like we are in the flow of the Holy Spirit. We like it when we know that where we are going and what we are doing is pleasing to the LORD.
Ms. Helen Temple, this amazing lady who wrote over 60 books for the Nazarene Publishing House and who had a deep passion for global missions made this statement: "If you are looking for adventure, try the will of God. Total commitment is an open door to the impossible, the unbelievable and the unexpected. "
Philip, the deacon turned evangelist would have loved Helen Temple and would wholeheartedly agree that a well oiled machine is a wonder to behold. As we read through our passage this morning and scan over all of Acts chapter eight we are amazed at how well the Early Church is moving and actively doing God's Will. They were in the midst of a golden time of knowing what it meant to pray and actively do all they could to bring God's Kingdom to pass. They knew what it meant to make sure that even as God's Will was being done in Heaven that it was also being done on earth as best as they could accomplish it.
But it was not a solo work by either the Church or by individuals. St. Luke is very careful to point out what caused the Early Church Machine to work so wonderfully. He also is very careful to point out who was leading the adventure of excitement, miracles and anointings that were being experienced by all those around.
All of that is the subject of our message this morning. Who are we to allow to lead the Church and what are some of the results when we do that well? Luke points out to us the following truths:
I. The Holy Spirit Must be the Primary Catalyst
St. Luke is very careful to point out to us the identity of the catalyst that is igniting all of the mission work, the miracles, the anointings and the healings. The Holy Spirit is the One who is working through Philip, the Samaritans and this Ethiopian eunuch. The truth of the matter is everything is working because of God's Holy Spirit. Everything in the Early Church began and ended with the Holy Spirit.
It would be easy for us to get sidetracked reading our passage and the passage before and focus to heavily on the humans that are involved. After all, it took great deal of courage for Philip to reach out to both the Samaritans and to this Ethiopian finance minister. It took him traveling great distances and spending a great deal of time on the road going up and down hills and walking across both deserts and the wilderness.
It would be easy to focus on how Philip was able to hear God's Voice, See God's Angels and Respond to God's calls and direction.
After all, how many people do we know who have experienced such an amazing supernatural encounter? How many people do we know that have had an angel talk to them and directed them to go a certain way? Can you imagine today knowing such a person? Can you imagine how their presence would be in such high demand today across the church?