
Mastering the Art of Spiritual Combat

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
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A comprehensive guide on how to effectively engage in spiritual warfare through prayer.


Beloved, this week's message focuses on a crucial aspect of the Christian faith that many struggle with: Warfare Prayer. We will explore how to engage in effective warfare prayer and emerge victorious.

The Battle in Heaven

In Revelation 12:7-8, we read about a war that took place in heaven between Michael and his angels and the dragon and his angels. The dragon was defeated and cast out of heaven. This victory in heaven has significant implications for us on earth. The devil, knowing his time is short, has come down to earth with great wrath. Therefore, we must be prepared to engage in spiritual warfare through prayer.

The Battle on Earth

In Psalm 2:1-5, we see the raging battle between the forces of evil and the Lord and His anointed. The kings and rulers of the earth conspire against God, seeking to break free from His authority. However, the Lord laughs at their futile attempts and will judge them in His wrath. He will break them with a rod of iron and dash them to pieces like a potter's vessel.

The Need for Warfare Prayer

We find ourselves in the midst of this ongoing battle between good and evil, light and darkness. We cannot escape it; we are already involved. Satan is a cunning strategist and a relentless fighter. He refuses to accept defeat until he is completely overcome. Therefore, we must reclaim any lost ground from him and defend it steadfastly. Satan never gives up; he keeps coming back to attack us. We must be vigilant and consistently defend the ground we have gained.

Prayer is not just preparation for battle; it is the battle itself. Satan's primary tactic is to hinder our prayer life because he knows that without prayer, we are defenseless. If you notice your prayer life diminishing, it is a sign that the enemy is launching a renewed attack against you. You must rise up and fight back. The flesh may resist prayer, but we must overcome its resistance and press on in prayer.

The Reality of Spiritual Warfare

We live in a world where demons rule and where spiritual transactions take place in marketplaces. It is a world where people have strong belief in herbalists and their powers. In such an environment, we must be knowledgeable and equipped to engage in spiritual warfare. We cannot afford to be ignorant. Satan takes advantage of the ignorance of many Christians and easily ensnares them.

Let me share a testimony to illustrate the importance of warfare prayer. A preacher I know from America once visited Nigeria and preached his usual American-style messages. One day, during a service, the Holy Spirit prompted him to make an unusual announcement. He was instructed to ask anyone with charms in their possession to bring them forward and renounce them. Despite his initial hesitation, he obeyed the Holy Spirit's prompting. To his surprise, people began coming forward and throwing their charms away. This incident changed his perspective, and he realized the need for warfare prayer in such an environment.

Understanding Warfare Prayer

What is warfare prayer? It is a type of prayer that invokes the victory of Jesus over the forces of evil. As believers, we are called to be soldiers in the army of Christ. We must put on the whole armor of God to stand against the schemes of the devil. Our battle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

We need warfare prayers to break free from spiritual bondage and to release others from captivity. Many people are held captive by demonic forces, and only through warfare prayer can they be set free. Some individuals have been under spiritual attack since birth, while others have been targeted as soon as they entered this world. This battle is fierce, and neutrality is not an option. We must fight for our freedom and the freedom of others.

The Power of Warfare Prayer

There are different types of prayers, such as prayers of faith, thanksgiving, praise, petition, commitment, consecration, and agreement. However, there is also a specific type of prayer called warfare prayer. This prayer is aimed at hindering the operations of evil in our lives, in others, and in our environment. It is a prayer that confronts and overcomes the enemy.

During warfare prayer, we address the host of hell directly. We speak to evil spirits, rebuke them, and deny them access to our lives. We renounce any involvement with the occult and break free from curses, spells, charms, and bewitchment. We take authority over the strongman and command Satan to release what he has stolen from us.

Engaging in Warfare Prayer

Warfare prayer requires us to declare our faith boldly, resist the devil, confess and repent of our sins, forgive others, break soul ties, and praise the Lord. We must also pray for the release of those under evil domination and control, as well as for the destruction of evil communication.

It is important to note that evil spirits cannot repent or be pacified. They are opposed to God and will never submit to Him. Therefore, we must confront them with the authority and power of Jesus Christ. Jesus Himself addressed evil spirits directly and demonstrated His authority over them. As His followers, we have been given the same authority to cast out demons and overcome the forces of darkness.

The Need for Deliverance

We must not underestimate the need for deliverance and spiritual warfare. Even those who grew up in Christian homes or have Christian parents may still require deliverance. The enemy does not discriminate based on background or upbringing. Many seemingly normal and respectable people are in need of serious deliverance. They may have sought protection from various sources but have not experienced true freedom. Only through warfare prayer can they be set free.


In conclusion, let us embrace the call to engage in warfare prayer. We must not shy away from this aspect of our faith but rather embrace it wholeheartedly. The world needs believers who are skilled in spiritual warfare and who can boldly confront the forces of evil. Let us put on the whole armor of God and stand firm against the enemy. Through warfare prayer, we can experience victory and see the kingdom of God advance in our lives and in the world around us.

May the Lord empower us to be effective prayer warriors, fighting the good fight of faith and reclaiming lost ground from the enemy. In Jesus' name, amen.

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