Mary: Portrait Of The Power Of God Series
Contributed by John Raulerson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The Power of God is revealed as He uses Mary as the mother of the Christ Child
Series: Characters at the Cradle
MARY: A Portrait of the Power of God
Luke 1:26-56
Sometimes we hear something so amazing, so astounding that although we may know it is true we still can=t believe it. It’s kind of like the people who win the Readers Digest Sweepstakes. Just imagine if someone knocked at your door and when you open they door there stands a person with a million dollar check in his hand with your name written on it. You would probable say, I can’t believe it! ....
Well, that would be pretty astounding but nothing like the message Mary got.
It was Astounding because it was a....
A. Message from God
"...the angel Gabriel was sent from God..."
- same angel who delivered message to Zacharias that his barren wife Elizabeth would bear a son.
B. Message of Grace
"Hail, thou art highly favored, the Lord is with thee..."
"highly favored" = enriched with grace
used in Eph 1:6
Mary’s grace was that she could carry Jesus in
her womb
Our grace is that we can carry Jesus in our heart
C. Message of Greatness
- Greatness in the Purpose of His Name
"Jesus" = Jehovah is salvation
Some say Jesus was a great teacher and we should admire his wisdom
Others say Jesus was a good man and we ought to follow his example
You can aspire to do both those things and wind up in hell
- Greatness in the Preeminence of His Fame
"Son of the Highest" (Matt 16:16)
- Greatness in the Power of His Reign
"...the Lord God shall give unto Him the throne of His father David: And He shall reign over the house of Jacob forever; and of his kingdom shall be no end."
Now Mary, this young Jewish teenager pledged to be married was told she would have a son and that son would be the king of Israel. God was calling her to be the mother of the Messiah. Only one little problem, she wasn=t even married yet. What Gabriel was saying was simply impossible. This is an honest question and he answered in three different manners.
A. Explanation (35)
The Conception would be the Work of God and not of man
B. Confirmation (36)
Elizabeth, Mary’s barren cousin, who was past child-bearing age had already became pregnant
C. Reminder (37)
"For with God nothing shall be impossible"
A. Mary’s Humility
"handmaid" (doule: a female slave, a bondmaid, a handmaid)
B. Mary’s Willingness
"...be unto me according to thy word."
- use me anyway you want
Mary magnified/praised God for...
A. regarding her low estate and blessed her by
His great power (49)
God had the power to take a nobody and turn her into a somebody
God had the power to take a virgin womb and make produce
God had the power to take a barren womb and make it fruitful
B. blessing others by his great power
-giving peace to those who fear Him
-filling the hungry with good things
-helping Israel
We see in Mary a heart of belief and a spirit of willingness, but what I see most in this character is the Power of God.
1 God has the power to take the impossible and make it possible.
2 God has the power to fulfill his plan of redemption to a lost mankind through providing a sinless sacrifice through a virgin birth..
3 Just as God had the power to place the seed of Christ into the womb of a virgin, He has the power to place Spirit of Christ in the heart of every sinner who will believe.
4 Just as God had the power to make a lowly maiden most blessed among women, He has the power to make the vilest sinner blessed in the presence of men.
5 Just as God had the power to change a fruitless womb to a womb the bore the very Son of God, He has the power to change the sinful heart to a heart that bears the very Spirit of God.
1 God has the power to do whatever it takes to offer salvation to a lost mankind.
2 God calls unexpecting and unequipped people to reveal his greatest plans
3 God has the power to help those he calls to accomplish the impossible
4 A willing spirit is a necessity to be used of God to do the impossible
5 Praise to a mighty God is a natural result of being used of Him