Martha - The Hostess
Contributed by Claude Alexander on May 15, 2022 (message contributor)
Summary: Martha is well-to-do and highly respected within her community. She lives in a big house . She lived with her sister Mary and her brother Lazarus. They were a Jewish family who were friends and followers of Jesus
Martha - the hostess
Luke 10:38-42, John 11:1-44
Martha has received quite a lot of criticism over the years, for every woman is told not to be like Martha, and consequently they heave upon themselves the burden of guilt and condemnation when they are. Do you look down on yourself because God gave you an action-oriented personality? Do you look at yourself with downcast eyes, murmuring with shame that you are just like “that Martha”? Many women do, and this is unfortunate.
For although Martha is the type of personality that Jesus takes aside, gently chides her to abide in Him first, before “doing” for His Kingdom, she is also highly prized for her gifts. Jesus does not condemn her actions. He merely corrects her attitude. Jesus does not tell her to stop being hospitable. Keep in mind that He has turned to her for a much-needed comfort and respite be-fore the brutal week ahead of Him.
Martha’s service to Jesus is a pure blessing and act of obedience to Him. Jesus himself honors and esteems Martha by placing himself in Martha’s home, one that was the gold standard of Jewish hospitality. This shows just how much Jesus holds her in high regard, and Jesus’ opinion is not to be taken lightly.
Jesus also gently reminds Martha and us that while we may be the head of the household, we must never forget that He is Lord. Martha is a reminder that no matter how much we are in charge, we must also submit to God’s authority with a humble, serving heart.
So Jesus rearranges Martha’s priorities in a loving, straightforward way. Jesus instructs her to put Him first. Does that mean Martha needed to stop being hospitable? Absolutely not. Does that mean she needed to stop cooking food for Jesus’ entourage of 12 disciples that accompanied him? That she was not appreciated? Twelve unannounced guests - does the idea make your palms sweat?
Don’t sell yourself short if you share Martha’s personality. There is nothing wrong with that. You are that “Martha” only in the sense if you are so busy doing things for God and you aren’t setting aside time with God. Jesus sees your gifts better than you do, and He has given you those gifts for a reason. Don’t look at your personality as a detriment; look at it as an asset, because that’s how Jesus sees Martha. And that’s how Jesus sees you.
And this is where Jesus seeks to prioritize your life: Start out your day by soaking in God’s Word. Pray with your Heavenly Father before you dig into God’s work. Abide in Him. Let your heart be touched by His gentle hand. Listen to Him, believe in Him, have faith in Him, trust Him, spend time with Him, worship Him, and love Him with your whole heart, soul and mind. Sit as a child at your Father’s feet, basking in His presence.
Once your priorities are aligned in Jesus, you should never feel guilty about being the “doer”. For you are expected to use the gifts that God has given you to further His Kingdom. To demean these gifts is an insult to God. If God has given you the “doer” mentality, then be who God has asked you to be. Display your gifts for all the world to see, for they are given to you by God for His glory.
Don’t bemoan the fact that you are that capable, efficient hostess at a moment’s notice. It’s perfectly ok to have a clean house, busy hands, and a dinner table that is always prepared for unexpected guests. Jesus certainly appreciated it. Strive to be that Proverbs 31 woman. There is nothing wrong with this.
In fact, there is a reason why Jesus shows up on Martha’s doorstep six days before the fated Passover, and the night before His triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Jesus always has a plan and purpose for where He goes, when He goes, and what He does when He gets there. Martha is part of His master plan, and it’s because of who she is that endears her to the Lord and Savior. She is the head of a family that Jesus visits again and again and again.
Martha is well-to-do and highly respected within her community. She lives in a big house . She lived with her sister Mary and her brother Lazarus. They were a Jewish family who were friends and followers of Jesus.
Martha lived in the town of Bethany, which means “house of welcome” or “house of figs.” Beth-any was a small town located at the foot of the Mt. of Olives about 3 kilometers (1.7 miles) east of Jerusalem. The town was a suburb of the capital city and as such proved to be an important place of rest for Jesus just outside the chaotic crowds of Jerusalem. Being only 3 kilometers from the city, it would have been a pleasant 20 or 30 minute stroll.