
Summary: Peter reveals the patterns for effective, life changing and life giving ministry

Marks of Effective Ministry

Acts 9.32-43

July 6, 1997

Evening Service


1. People taking time with me to help make the adjustment

2. Ministry is all about making time: Jesus made time for the sick, Annias took time to minister to Saul, Paul took the time to train Timothy and to write letters to the churches that he planted. Peter took the time to minister to Aenas and Dorcas

3. The Need to minister to individuals: Primary task of all saints including the leaders, Responsibility of all the church: Not just the leaders and not just the pastor It can not be done by these people alone

4. Peter sets a good model for ministry


1. Peter was active and involved

A. Peter was active in the ministry: He was on the move and kept busy doing the work of church

B. Peter was involved in the lives of the people: not too busy for the people, he was in the business of doing the work of God

C. Aeneas was not a believer: Peter went to both saints and sinners, Peter did not judge, helping hand instead of pointing fingers, God did wonders through Peter, He can do the same through us

2. Peter Exalted Christ

A. Peter was Christ seeking and not self seeking: more interested in giving glory to Jesus, there was no self gain involved, the church benefited from the selfless nature,

B. Peter Worked to heal Aeneas: Peter gave the prescription for healing: Jesus name, Peter demanded response

3. Peter was available

A. Tabitha dies: A key leader of Joppa church, called a disciple, one of the few women disciples oif the NT., Did not bury her but placed in the upper room, another plan

B. Peter was called: Saints call on Peter, Peter leaves the duties of the many to care for the few, Peter went in the time of need,

C. Peter saw the loss: Widows were crying, people needed Tabitha, Tabitha had an important role in the church

4. Peter was Prayerful

A. Peter prayed: Sent the people out, prayed to access God, then commanded her to rise

B. Peter summoned the saints: The joy was great and powerful

5. Peter was fruitful

A. Knowledge of the event: The news spread fast, people are changed by good news

B. People were lead to belief: many believed

6. Peter was not prejudice

A. Peter stayed with gentile: this was important becuase he was letting go of life long practices

B. Peter stayed with a tanner: Jews dispised tanners, unclean occupation

Conclusion and Application Without ministry Laurel Cliff will not survive

1. We must be active and involved

A. Ministry is more important than “church work”

B. All must have a place and the chance to serve

2. We Must Exalt Christ

A. Christ is in control: No one is in control of this church, God is in control, people attempting to control the church will not be tolerated

B. Self exaltation is destructive to ministry: Do things for the right reason, decietfulness will not be tolerated, no nonsense, no playing church

3. We must be available

A. Let God call: When God calls listen

B. When people call be open: Look for needs and open doors for ministry

4. We must be Prayerful

A. Let us pray at all times: pray for the church and God to open new doors, allow the spirit lead

B. Let us join together in prayer: we need to gather in unison, share needs of yourself and others

C. Pray for those you have trouble with: Pray accesses the power of God

5. We must be fruitful

A. New ministries must be developed

B. The church must be united in purpose and focus

C. New converts must be made and discipleship must take place

D. Departments must produce ministry:

6. We must not be prejudice

A. Sacred cows must die: Gormet hamburgers, pet programs have become more important than ministry

B. Sinners must be welcomed and accepted

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