
Summary: This is a study of Paul’s address to Timothy about being an effective minister.

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Marks of an Effective Minister Part 2

1 Timothy 4. 12-16

July 20, 1997


I. Place in the series: Marks of an Effective Ministry, Marks of an Effective Minister part one, Be a servant, Warn of Error, Be a student of Scripture, Be free of worldly teachings, Discipline for Godliness, Hard worker, Teach with authority

II. Youngest Brother Syndrome: Youngest of five, everyone else knows everything, everyone tells me what to do, they know everything, I hate it with a passion

III. Young Minister Syndrome: Timothy, everyone thought they didn’t have to listen, knew more and lived longer, Timothy had ministry experience and tutor in Paul

Text Reading


I. Minister is a model of Spiritual Virtue

A. Earning Respect: Paul warns Timothy, earn the people’s respect, Greek standard of Age- under forty was young, Timothy was in his mid to late 20’s, Offset the age difference by setting the standard and being a leader

B. Set the Example: Example is the living witness of every Christian, Greek term- Tupos: Pattern or mold

1. Speech: reveals the heart, reveals the nature of the person, nothing reveals more than what we say, speech needs to edifies the church and the people, positive leadership

2. Life: The way we are in society, our lifestyle, people follow how we live not how we teach, lifestyle supports our message

3. Love: Ministers must love their people, love from God, care for their needs, people are the #1 priority, Love as God loves

4. Faith: Not meaning belief, that is assumed to be a minister, this is undying committment to the work of the church, consistent in message and method, consistent in priorities and people,

5. Purity: Sexual purity, actions and intentions of the heart,

Leaders must be in highest standards of these areas

II. Minister must have a Biblical Ministry

A. Need for Preparation: Greek- Prosecho: to give attention always and constantly, a way of life, implies a deep need for previous prepartion,

B. Public Reading of Scripture: Worship needs scripture, reading and explanation of scripture, dates back to Babylonian exile, reading and running commentary,

C. Exhortation: Challenge to the people to apply the teachings to their lives, not enough to just listen, pierces the heart, makes life different for people

D. Word as Source: Life and Truth, nothing else will do, nothing else will satisfy, nothing else is from God for life and living, essential task of minister is to preach and to teach the Word

III. Minister must Fulfill their Calling

A. Do Not Neglect: Greek - Ameleo: to give up, to leave behind, Timothy was going to leave the ministry, Timothy was tired of fighting those in error, Politcal structure in the church

B. Gift: Charisma - Every person has been given a gift by god at the moment of creation, we are called to use these gifts, God wants to use everyone to do His work,

C. Timothy’s Gift: Not delivered by a prophecy but was speaker, NT Prophecy - preaching, confirmed by the Body and by the providence of God

IV. Minister must be Absorbed in thier Work

A. Total Committment: single minded, focus on God, not a half hearted efforted but with vigor and strength,

B. Total Effort: total effort, total strength, total focus, above and beyond ability, 200%

V. Minister must Progress in Spiritual Growth

A. Greek - Prokope: military term for advancing on an enemy, no one is where they can be with God and there must be constant effort to grow more like Christ

B. Christlikeness: progress in knowledge, wisdom, faith and walk

VI. Final Remarks

A. Two areas of Concern: personal holiness and public instruction, Personal holiness deals with the personal relationship with God and conduct toward others, Public instruction deals with the teaching within the church

B. Insurance of Success: Salvation for oneself and for others, this is the highest goal for the church, highest work of God

C. Minister as agent of God: Salvation comes from God and the minister is the one who serves and presents the message of God


Change in organizational titles all directors will be know as ministers

I. Minister is a model of Spiritual Virtue

A. Earning Respect: Respect is earned not given, earn your respect, all younger people lack some serious respect in the church, we will earn it and we will lead, new leaders will be developed out of these people

B. Set the Example: live out the heart of the gospel, set the example

1. Speech: positive leadership, focus on the strengths of the church,

2. Life: live for Jesus Christ

3. Love: Love one another and Love as God loves all people

4. Faith: make the committment to the church, become strong leaders

5. Purity: Sexual purity, word, thought and deed,

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