
Summary: The real connectivity between Judaism and Christianity took place through the Gospel writers. He established his purpose for writing this Gospel. It’s not for telling some stories about Jesus Christ and the conflicts between Jesus and the Leaders of Judaism and Romans.

Mark 1:2-3 Mark connects OT & NT


The real connectivity between Judaism and Christianity took place through the Gospel writers. As we understood last week that Mark was the earliest and the first Gospel accepted by the Canon of the Church. So, he established his purpose for writing this Gospel. It’s not for telling some stories about Jesus Christ and the conflicts between Jesus and the Leaders of Judaism and Romans. The ultimate purpose of the Gospel of Mark is to bring God and men together. The redemptive history unfolded the grace of God and led to the restoration of humanity to Christ to the original creation-design and purpose of walk with God (Genesis 5:22–24), and to be restored as true image-bearers of God (Romans 8:29; 1 Corinthians 15:49; 2 Corinthians 3:18; Colossians 3:10).

A careful analysis of some key Old Testament citations in the Gospel of Mark shows the central narrative of the Gospel of Mark to be about the return of the LORD to Mount Zion, Jesus replacing the temple, and Jesus redefining the people of Israel around Himself. We now see that the Gospel of Mark presents the story of the return of Yahweh to Mount Zion, bringing both salvation and judgment to Israel, in the person of Jesus. Jesus announces the destruction of the temple, replacing it with the place where God and humanity meet.

Messenger and Messiah:

Mark 1:1-2 ………..The quotation is a combo of three Old Testament passages, namely Exodus 23:20, Isaiah 40:3, and Malachi 3:1. Each passage is about God sending a messenger to prepare a way to receive God. The three texts cited refer to God’s saving presence with his people. Exodus 23:20: God tells his people that he would send an angel or messenger to bring Israel through the wilderness into the Promised Land (Exodus 4:22-23, Hosea 11:1). Malachi 3:1 refers to God’s messenger preparing the way for him to return in judgment on his people to purify them and make them righteous (Malachi 3:1-4). Isaiah 40:3 comes from the opening of Isaiah 40-55 chapters, where Isaiah prophesies about the restoration, deliverance, and redemption of Israel from their Babylonian exile. Isaiah depicts God as returning as both warrior and shepherd (Isa 40:10-11).

Entry of Jesus:

“He comes into the picture not as a rock star but rather as someone humble, kind, and yet, still kingly. Mark describes the people who are drawn toward this man as regular people who have become affected by the character, passion, and light of this strange Galilean.” (Introduction by The Voice Bible).

As it is written: (Mark 1:2, 7:6, 9:13, 14:21)

A quotation is a direct citation as “it is written” or “saying”. An allusion is a reference to the original source using some keywords or thoughts. In Mark Yahweh comes in sandals in the form of Jesus Christ, as promised by the prophets. He began his gospel with the Old Testament to tell us that the Promises of God were fulfilled through the arrival of Jesus.

Other References are:

Healing and the customary practice: Mark 1:14 ………Leviticus 14:2

Holy and unholy Food: Mark 2:25-261 Samuel 21:6

Arrogance: Mark 4:12 ………Isaiah 6:9

Hypocrites: Mark 7:6-7……..Isaiah 29:13

Respect Parents: Mark 7:10………Exodus 20:12, 21:17, Deuteronomy 5:16, Proverbs 20:20

Married Life and Divorce: Mark 10:4-7…. Genesis 1:27, Genesis 2:24, Deuteronomy 24:1

Temple and Worship: Mark 11:9, 17, 12:29-30…. Psalm 118:26, Isaiah 56:7, Jeremiah 7:11,

Deuteronomy 6:4-5

Theophany: Mark 12:26…. Exodus 3:6

Love one another: Mark 12:31, 33……..Leviticus 19:18, 1 Samuel 15:22

Persecution: Mark 13:5, 13:12, 14, 24……..Daniel 8:13, 9:27, 11:31, 12:11, Isaiah 13:9-10, Joel 3:15

Crucifixion: Mark 14:21, 27, 15:28, 34…..Zechariah 13:7, Isaiah 53:12, Psalm 22:1

(For further studies on Mark, kindly refer this series).

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