Mark 4:35-41 “faith Through The Storms” Series
Contributed by Benjamin Hill on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Verse by verse messages through the Gospel of Mark
You don’t have to live very long to realize that trials and hardship and storms are inevitable. In this world troubles are going to come… it’s how we respond to those troubled times that matters! Amen?
Illustr. An Ohio oil man’s oil well caught on fire… it was so bad that he offered $30,000 to anyone who could put it out. All the areas large fire departments showed up, but they couldn’t get closer than 200 yards to the blaze. Then a small volunteer fire dept. came barreling up in an old outdated fire truck, sped right on past everyone else, to the outskirts of the fire and the men jumped out and started beating the fire with blankets and throwing buckets of water and sand on the inferno. They soon had to retreat but the oil man was so impressed with their nerve that he awarded them $30K right on the spot! He then asked them what they would do with the money, and the trembling chief said: “The FIRST thing we’ll do is get the brakes fixed on that stupid truck!!”
Well this morning we are going to look at a storm that the disciples faced with Jesus, a “fire of faith” if you will… and we are going to see how they responded, and learn hopefully then how we should respond… In a message I’ve entitled: “FAITH THROUGH THE STORMS.”
(Read text)
…… notice first…..
I. Delivered Instructions (v.35-36)
The disciples get into the boat along with Jesus at HIS instruction. They are following and doing exactly what Jesus told them to do. – Listen, regardless of what some messed up theologian may try to sell you, sometimes storms in life come when you are faithfully following the Lord! They come as a result of this fallen world!!
Here is the picture… after an incredibly long day, a completely exhausted Lord Jesus (God incarnate) puts Himself in the hands of the disciples. – V.36 “they TOOK Him”
“take” = ‘paralambano’ = “to take alongside” significant here because it is the same word used to describe when Joseph “took” Jesus and Mary & fled to Egypt in order to protect Him from Herod!! – O the love of God is seen so beautifully in the “humanity” of Christ! Amen?!
II. Definite Intent (whole passage)
Now there are differing opinions on the theology behind this event, there are some who say that this was a satanically driven storm primarily because of the fact that Jesus “rebuked” the waves… Others say no. But regardless I am of the opinion that Jesus knew what was coming, after all in spite of His humanity He was still God! Amen?! It is my thought that Jesus knew this storm was coming and sent them into it anyway! He could have said: “let’s stay here tonight and cross over in the morning” after the danger of the night storms prevalent on the sea… but He didn’t. You ask why would Jesus do this? I believe the disciples faith was being tested!
After what they had already witnessed by His hand… here comes a major test!
First look at the storm: v. 37 – “beat into” = imperfect indicative” = repeated action! i.e. beat into, again and again and again…..
“already filling” = MAJOR emphasis! … This was a terrible storm!! Seasoned fishermen were in a panic… You see their situation is now PERSONAL!
Contrast that with what the disciples had seen to this point… dealt with others problems…
- Demons cast out of others (1:21-28)
- Peter’s mother in law healed – someone else (1:29-31)
- Many others healed (1:32-39)
- A leper… someone else cleansed (1:40-45)
- A paralytic healed (2:1-12)
- Man with withered hand… healed (3:1-5)
Then He taught them in parables of faith and the kingdom of God…. THEN HE TESTED THEM! This was the first time THEIR life was on the line!
Listen: Faith is not tested until the hardship is personal!
(I. Delivered Instructions… II. Definite Intent… and …)
III. Dramatic Intervention (v.39)
The disciples in a panic frantically woke Jesus and whined… Lord don’t you care about us?!! Isn’t that just like us? No matter what the Lord does in a miraculous way for us…. The least little thing goes “wrong” and we think He doesn’t care anymore!!
But notice Jesus’ response: “peace, be still” – “peace” = ‘siopao’ = to hush, silent, be calm
- “be still” = ‘phimoo’ = to close the mouth with a muzzle
Jesus’ response is swift and sure, the wind immediately stopped! The waves immediately stopped! Picture the fury of a devastating storm, and then the immediate tranquility of a calm and peaceful sea!! Oh again the contrast… the glorious picture of on the one hand, the shear exhaustion of the Human Savior with the authority and the power of The Sovereign Divine Lord!! What a SAVIOR?! Amen?!!