
Summary: Verse by verse sermons through the Gospel of Mark

Mark 14:12-25 "A Magnificent Memorial Meal"

Characters: Jesus, The Disciples, The Betrayer

1. The Banquet: Passover Meal-most important feast, celebration for the Jews.

2. The Betrayal: Judas-responsible for his actions even though part of God's sovereign plan.

3. The Body: (Bread) Jesus = Bread of life- also indication of His Messianic fulfillment as the Messiah

4. The Blood

I. V. 12-17: The Banquet- Passover Meal-the most important feast of the year

a) The Picture in the Passover- ie. of the Lamb- Jesus is the Lamb of God


i. The Picture in the Preparation- man carrying water (unusual-usually a woman –probably a slave)

ii. "My Master"-where Guest Room

iii. All prepared and furnished for the meal-which is a picture of...

iv. Heaven is a Prepared Place John 14:2

v. Rev. 19:7 Marriage supper of the Lamb-place prepared in Heaven

II. The Betrayal

a) It cannot be overstated the depth of the offense that Jesus was pointing out! Not only was there an impending betrayal, but it was coming from a supposed friend and companion who was sharing a meal, any meal, much less this special meal with him

b) V. 19 "Is it I?" – All of them asked (even Judas) this question- is written in the Greek negative- really. "It is not I, is it?"

c) V. 20 – "It is one of the twelve who dips with me." Jesus repeated the fact that His betrayer was one of the twelve, again pointing out the deceit- but even though this was all part of God's sovereign plan- I believe Jesus was giving the betrayer one last opportunity to repent! – Because Judas was still, although acting as Satan's agent, still morally and spiritually responsible for his actions!

d) "woe" (v. 21)

III. The Body

a) As the one who was leading the Passover meal, Jesus took of the unleavened flat bread cakes (action) that would have been placed before him, gave thanks to God, broke it to distribute the bread to the disciples

i. Jesus says "take it –(eat is implied) This is my body." Notice the Lord is speaking hope of literal things- "Bread" "Wine" "Body" and "Blood" – but He is using them in a figurative way – much like in John 10 when He said "I am the door of the sheep" – He wasn't saying He was a literal "door" but the way through which one must pass to enter Heaven with the Father.

ii. Then the word "is" in "this is my body" means "represents" (Walvrood & Zuck) And since Jesus was physically with the Disciples they didn't literally "eat" His body or drink His blood- there is no basis for the belief (Roman Catholic) in transubstantiation ie. The bread and wine actually change into the body and blood of Jesus when consumed.

iii. No it is figurative- Jesus is the Bread of Life! He was broken for you and for me! Sinners must repent and "receive" Him into themselves by surrender and belief in order to be saved!! –What a picture!

IV. The Blood

a) Jesus took the cup of red wine mixed with water , gave thanks again, gave it to them to drink – He then said "This is" (The wine represents) "my blood of (in other words which establishes) the new covenant, which is poured (shed=poured out greedily or readily – ie. In abundance) out for (on behalf of) many (a great many!)."

b) O listen the blood of the great sacrifice Jesus Christ, The Lamb of God was poured out → for you! The Son of God satisfying the justice and judgment of Almighty God against sin! The blood of Jesus shed at Golgotha established the New Covenant between God and man. Instituted by God, established by God, from God and offend to man-man cannot change it, repeal it not alter it- it remains forever established and offered to you! Will you receive it?

V. The Best is Yet to Come!

a) Not eat this festive meal again with them until that day when He will eat it with all of them and with us, His followers. Together in the Kingdom of God –"What a day that will be..."

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