March Madness
Contributed by Bret Bone on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Today is March 10th…And too most people…March is just another month on the calendar. But there are two specific groups that I am thinking of right now...that March for them is not just another month... Slide #3 The first group that comes to my mi
Video… The Jesus Rant
Prayer...What are we doing with you?
Good morning…welcome to Vista Pointe…What are you gonna do with Jesus?
I’m so glad to see you all here today on time.
Two times every year...Our lives...along with millions of people lives...are in-convinced... by having to adjust our schedules because of daylight savings.
Even thou we all lost an hour of sleep last night with the changing times…we also all gained an extra hour of Son Light. (Get it)
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Today is March 10th…And too most people…March is just another month on the calendar.
But there are two specific groups that I am thinking of right now...that March for them is not just another month...
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The first group that comes to my mind is the basketball fans of the world…
To them March is a month filled with excitement and anticipation...and if you were to ask any Basketball fan...March is known to them as March Madness.
This group of adrilyn fueled fans... never ceases to amaze me.
These extreme sports fans go to unbelievable measures in supporting their favorite teams.
While watching their favorite teams play...many of these people paint their faces or for some their entire upper bodies...their favorite schools colors.
Many fans are willing to pay 100.00 or 1000.00 of dollars to watch their teams play.
As long as their team is winning…they are excited and supportive of the tournament.
But the very moment the tide changes and their favorite team gets eliminated from the tournament.
They become completely different people…
It’s almost like someone walked into their life and turned off a light switch.
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The second group I’m thinking of who will be affected by the month of March are Christians.
On Sunday March 31st... Christians all around the world will be celebrating the loss and victory of their Lord and Savior.
Over 2000 years ago...Jesus knew that His time of living on this earth was drawing close to an end.
For Jesus...March madness was different...
He knew that this was the time was limited.
He knew this tournament would be bitter-sweet.
He knew the end meant that He would have to give up His life...but He also knew that because of His sacrifice...Millions of people would be saved.
...His play-off journey to the cross had begun.
Whether you’re a Basketball fan...a Christian...or someone who is just trying to find it all out.
Slide #5 March is all about Jesus
Philosophers and College Professors have tried since the beginning of time... to prove to mankind... that man’s existence resulted from animals or scientific theories.
And honestly I give them all a Big A for their efforts.
Even though it is true that these men and women of science are well educated in their fields of study.
Without them believing in and including the only REAL truth behind the history of mankind...(the Bible)
All there teachings are just speculations.
You see...Long before man was created...God existed...and then He decided when the time was to put His plan into motion.
Genesis 1:1-3
“1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
2 Now the earth was without shape and empty, and darkness was over the surface of the watery deep, but the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the water.
3 God said, “Let there be light.” And there was light!
God original plan for us was perfect.
When we read on in the book of Genesis 1:27 we find where we come into His plan.
“God created humankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them,
male and female he created them.”
Can you image...Man, Woman & and God... walking...talking...and fellowshipping in the Garden.
That was the original plan for mankind.
For Adam and Eve life was perfect...
They were not familiar with the way the world lives today.
Threats of Nuclear holocausts...concerns of filing Bankruptcy...Murder...rape...and theft.
Neither Adam nor Eve were not supporting that their creators’ name be removed from every aspect of life.
Life for them was flawless...until
-Satan entices Eve by tricking her...
-Eve shares the lie with Adam...
-And as a result of this Sin entered the world
-And for generations to come...sin separated man’s true fellowship with God.
I’m so thankful today that God ...is a God of Love and Compassion.
I don’t know anyone today who would sacrifice what He sacrificed for us.
You see God’s original plan for mankind was more than just creating the world and man...
His original plan also included Him sharing Jesus with us.
I believe that...
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The First reason God Shared Jesus with us
Was for the forgiveness of sin...
As I have mentioned many times in the past...God has love and compassion for all people.
He does not wish that any man or woman alike would end up any other place than in Heaven.