
Summary: Philemon- The letter is to this dear brother that Paul considered a partner in the ministry. He said, I hear about your love for all believers in Christ. (Philemon 1:4) Partnership in faith with Paul. Paul always remembered this Colossae leader in his prayers

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Preaching Boldly without Hindrance.

When Paul writes this personal letter to his dear friend Philemon, we find him in jail in Rome. Paul was doing a four-and-a-half-year imprisonment “mission journey”. The first two years came in the Caesarea prison after he was arrested in Jerusalem (Acts 21:33). Then for about a half year he was in route from Caesarea to Rome as a ship prisoner. Part of that journey was shipwrecked at Malta (Acts 28.1) The remaining two years of this imprisonment time came at Rome with his two years under house arrest and guard.

For two whole years he stayed there in his own rented house and welcomed all who came to see him. He proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ—with all boldness and without hindrance! (Acts 28:30-31)

It was why as a prisoner in Rome the work he started throughout Asia could continue. He had great partners and leadership teams. We see the quality of his leadership teams here as we look at his personal letter to Philemon. We see two of his many leadership teams. We find out about his Colossian partners and his Rome team.

Let’s look first at his Colossian team.

Philemon- The letter is to this dear brother that Paul considered a partner in the ministry. He said, I hear about your love for all believers in Christ. (Philemon 1:4) This local leader at Colossae had a love that gave Paul encouragement. Partnership in faith with Paul. Paul always remembered this Colossae leader in his prayers. The church that meets in your house. Philemon had a house that was used as the church at Colossae.

He had a guest room that would be utilized if Paul was released from prison and visited the church. Philemon was the slave owner of Onesimus. If you put all these together, house owner, guest room and slave owner we can assume that Philemon was financially well off. Paul specifically says that he considers Philemon a partner in the gospel. (Philemon 1:6) There is much Paul and Philemon share for the sake of the gospel. Paul was greatly encouraged and refreshed for the way Philemon ministered in Colossae. (Philemon 1:7)

Apphia the sister in the Lord. (Philemon 1:2) It would make sense that Apphia is the wife of Philemon, but it is not explicitly mentioned. This is a personal letter to Philemon so that would add weight to the assumption that Apphia and Archapas are family members of Philemon. The Colossian letter was to be read to the church and shared with the nearby Laodicea church, but this letter was not a public letter to be shared with the other churches. It is public now since we are reading it.

Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus, and Timothy our brother, To Philemon our dear friend and fellow worker— also to Apphia our sister and Archippus our fellow soldier—and to the church that meets in your home (Philemon 1:1-2)

Archapas He was the local minister in Colossae (Colossians 4:17). He was a soldier in the kingdom work at Colossae (Philemon 1:2). What we know of Archapas from these two verses we could conclude he was the local hero. It was because of the local heroes like Archapas that Paul could go to a new area that had not heard the gospel, proclaim the gospel widely, disciple the believers, organize them into a church and then exit to the next place to start the pattern all over again. Archapas was there to keep the church healthy and growing.

It was the local leader who would lead the local church to reach their Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria and outermost parts of the world. When the gospel reaches a new place, we need the local leaders to own and expand the ministry there. There are only two verses about Archapas, but they are enough to tell us that he was a local hero at Colossae.

Tell Archippus, "Take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord, that you fulfill it. (Colossians 4:17)

to Archippus, our fellow soldier. (Philemon 1:2)

Paul’s Rome Prison Ministry dream team

Timothy- Timothy had a been a faithful partner with Paul for about ten years. He joined Paul in his second journey and worked together since Paul joined the Paul and Silas team. Timothy was alongside them through the second journey, third journey and now well into his Paul’s imprisonment. Paul’s partnership with Timothy has become synonymous with the discipleship relationship. We often ask, “who your Timothy?” when what we are asking is, who is the disciple you are pouring into?

Mark- Paul had Mark with him in Rome. Paul had famously fallen out with Barnabas over Mark (Acts 12:12; 15:37). Mark went with Barnabas for his second journey because Paul did not want him along. We read in Colossians 4:10 that Mark was the cousin of Barnabas. Mark worked closely with Paul, Barnabas, and Peter. The first church ever started at Pentecost met at Marks house (Acts 12:12).

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