Many Convincing Proofs
Contributed by Charles Salmon on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Following His resurrection, Jesus offered many convincing proofs He is alive.
Many Convincing Proofs Acts 1:3
INTRO.: Some very creative theories have been offered regarding the resurrection of Jesus.
His disciples stole His body.
The women went to the wrong tomb.
Mass hallucination.
He only fainted, didn’t really die.
Jesus gave “many convincing proofs” of His resurrection. We will look at just a few post-resurrection appearances of Jesus to find some of these “convincing proofs.”
I. The first incident is found in Luke 24:13-35:
A. Two disciples are traveling to Emmaus:
1. There they meet Jesus but He chooses not to reveal Himself immediately.
2. They express their perplexity about recent events. 19-24.
3. He teaches them from the Scriptures. V. 27
4. Later, they recognize Him when He breaks bread with them. Such a familiar act!
B. Notice where they find proof He lives:
1. "Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?" Luke 24:32
2. “Jesus was recognized by them when he broke the bread.” Luke 24:35
3. They found proof in the Scriptures.
4. They spent time with Him and shared a meal.
C. We experience the risen Lord in similar ways today:
1. We find proof He lives in the Scriptures. Even the Old Testament Scriptures as Peter did in Acts 2.
2. We commune with Him in the Lord’s Supper, sometimes called “breaking of bread.”
3. This book and memorial continue after 2000 years. Here is convincing proof He is alive.
II. The second is in Luke 24:36-43
A. Jesus appeared to a gathering of His disciples:
1. He invited them to closely examine His body. He showed them He had flesh and bones.
2. He asked for food and ate with them. 41-43
3. Later, He offered Thomas the same invitation: John 20:24 ff.
B. This removed all doubt from their minds:
1. He was not a disembodied spirit. His resurrection was a bodily one.
2. His wounds were recognizable.
3. Note Thomas’ declaration:: Thomas said to him, "My Lord and my God!" John 20:28
C. In addition to these men and women, there were more than 500 other eyewitnesses. I Cor. 15:6
1. We have their testimony that Jesus’ body was raised from the dead. What court would rule against the testimony of 500 eyewitnesses?
2. We can believe Jesus’ body was raised.
3. Since this is true, we can be assured we also will be raised from the dead.
III. The story continues in Luke 24:44-47
A. More from the Scriptures: “he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.” Luke 24:45
1. He had already told them of the importance of knowing Scriptures. 44.
2. This is familiar teaching to them and there is an implied rebuke- “you should have remembered it.”
3. Jesus always based His claims on the Scriptures.
4. They realize this is Jesus because He is teaching exactly the same things He taught before the crucifixion.
B. We find the Old Testament hard to understand and don’t want to study it.
1. Jesus loved it. It was all the Scripture He had.
2. The Scriptures testify about Jesus. John 5:39
3. The convincing proof Jesus offers for His resurrection often comes from the Old Testament.
4. Hearing this familiar teaching helps convince them of His resurrection.
IV. The next incident is recorded in the 21st chapter of John:
A. The story involves a night of fishing:
1. The Disciples hadn’t heard from Jesus for some time. They were at a loss as to what to do.
2. They decided to do the one thing they know and understand - fish.
3. They had fished all night and caught nothing and as they approached the shore, they see a man.
B. They recognize Jesus when He performs a miracle:
1. They are professional fisherman and they have given up and stowed their nets.
2. When the stranger onshore tells them where to put their nets, they make a great catch.
3. This is familiar to them. They are accustomed to seeing Jesus perform miracles.
4. They recognize Him when He does what they would expect from Him and no one else.
C. What can we learn?
1. When we have exhausted all our resources and “fished all night” Jesus will come to our rescue.
2. When we obey Him, we will be successful at what we do.
3. He lives and longs to have fellowship with us:
CONC.: ILLUS: Gospel song, “He Lives.” “He lives within my heart” is a highly subjective apologetic. We need something better to tell unbelievers. Jesus has provided many convincing proofs if we will only study the Word of God and examine the influence of Jesus in the world around us, we will be convinced.