
Making the New Year Shine: Simple Steps for Improvement

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 8, 2023
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Here’s some straightforward advice for making the new year better. 1- The new year - Be careful 2- The new year - Be thoughtful 3- The new year - Be thankful

Title: Making the New Year Better


At a New Year’s party, Pete asks his friend Ken for a cigarette, despite having made a resolution to quit smoking. Pete jokes that he is in the process of quitting and is currently in phase one, which involves not buying cigarettes. This humorous anecdote highlights how many people make resolutions for the new year but struggle to follow through with them. The top 10 resolutions often focus on personal improvement but neglect to include God or spiritual growth.


To make the new year better, we should follow three principles: be careful, be thoughtful, and be thankful.

I. Be Careful:

We should be cautious in how we live our lives, making wise choices and using our time wisely. By seeking the Lord’s will and avoiding foolishness, we can make the most of every opportunity. It is important to prioritize our spiritual well-being and set our minds on things above, rather than being consumed by worldly concerns.

II. Be Thoughtful:

Instead of being self-centered, we should be considerate of others and filled with the Spirit. This means focusing on God's presence within us and treating others with love and kindness. We should strive to serve one another and bear each other's burdens, following the two greatest commandments: loving God with all our heart, soul, and mind, and loving our neighbors as ourselves.

III. Be Thankful:

Expressing gratitude is essential in living a fulfilling life. We should speak to one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing and making music in our hearts to the Lord. Always giving thanks to God for everything in the name of Jesus Christ is a way to cultivate a grateful heart. By acknowledging God's blessings and benefits, we can shine as lights in a dark world.


In conclusion, let us strive to make the new year better by being careful in our choices, thoughtful in our interactions with others, and thankful for all that God has done for us. By following these principles, we can experience a more fulfilling and blessed life. May we prioritize our relationship with God and seek His guidance in all aspects of our lives.

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