Making Room For The Glory!
Contributed by Vera Hughes on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Many are asking for the Glory of God (manifested presence of God in our services and lives). We are asking for better marriages, families, ministries and more of God. Have we properly prepared for what God is about to do on the earth realm? Are we read
Turn with me to Exodus 33:18.
Glory - Hebrew Word – Kabowd (kaw bode’)
Vine’s Word – Honor
Hab. 2:14
For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God as the waters cover the earth.
God wants women to be women of honor – sharing His glory.
II Corinthians 4:5 – For we preach not ourselves, but Jesus the Lord.
Many are asking for the Glory of God (manifested presence of God in our services and lives). We are asking for better marriages, families, ministries and more of God. Have we properly prepared for what God is about to do on the earth realm? Are we ready for the glory that is coming forth?
1. Are you ready to let the Word abide in you?
It takes time for the Word of God to become real to you. When it becomes revelation to you, that’s when you are going to see increase. Many of us are only echoes of the Word. We are like parakeets! The words have no power and authority to change things!
But the Word is not abiding in us! The Father’s intent is that you get the same results from the Word that Jesus got. Jesus spoke to the wind, telling it to cease, and the wind said, Okay (Mark 4:39). He spoke to the raging waters, and the water said, “I’ll obey you” (Mark 4:39; Luke 8:24). Jesus spoke to the fig tree and said “Go ahead and die” and the fig tree said to the roots, Let’s die! (Matt. 21:19; Mark 11:14,20).
John 15:7 says:
If ye abide in me and MY WORDS ABIDE IN YOU, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.
Abide – remain
Rhema Word:
Word that is alive in your inner man – your spirit – and it is beyond your head or intellect. It is an abiding word.
The main way you get a rhema word is to meditate on the scriptures.
Meditate – mutter
2. Are you ready to get rid of the spirit of JEZEBEL stop killing the prophets?
This is what we call a JEZEBEL spirit. It is a spirit in the church that is rebellious, manipulative queen who destroyed the prophets of the Lord.
This is not a gender spirit. But it often manipulates women: it energizes women who are insecure, vain, jealous and dominating, having a consuming desire to control.
The Jezebel spirit is most often found in positions of influence and leadership. Because of its supreme desire to control, it maneuvers clandestinely until it can gain the confidence of those it seeks to influence.
This spirit appears willing to volunteer for special service. But it is always motivated by a character flaw that desires to control.
If this Jezebel spirit cannot actually attain to a place of leadership, it will often seek to win the confidence of those in leadership in such a way that leaders will bare hearts to the person, telling the secrets of their lives.
The Jezebel spirit seeks to kill the true servant of God in any way possible.
It hates true intercessory prayer and our greatest defense is to cultivate the nature of Jesus in our hearts.
Elijah exposed the spirit and caused a nation to serve the true God (I Kings 18).
Elijah represents kingdom of God; Jezebel kingdom of darkness.
The Jezebel spirit is trying to shut up the true voice of prophecy today. The word prophecy is propheteia, which means speaking forth of the mind and counsel of God.
The Scriptures also teach the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. This gives Jesus voice a proper place in the Church.
The spirit of Jezebel will also try to discredit the leader. But we cannot fear or become discouraged. The spirit of Jezebel was defeated at the altar.
3. Are you ready to bet rid of unresolved offense?
This spirit works through discontented or offended spiritual leaders who betray the authority of the senior pastor. They get a group of people who will follow their agenda that is contrary to the senior pastor’s vision for the church. This offensive spirit will often lead his followers out of the church, causing division and bringing great hurt to God’s anointed leadership.
The characteristics of this spirit is also to control and self-promotion.
Many with this spirit do not want counsel or correction from leaders. They do not want to be under anyone’s covering.
Offense – skandalon (scandal); means “a trap-stick (bent sapling); a snare; or part of a trap set with bait to catch it’s victim.
Offended people are in two categories:
a. Those who have been treated unjustly
b. Those who perceive they have been treated unjustly