Make Jesus Famous
Contributed by Ian Johnson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Our ambition should be to serve the King of Kings Or put another way: We should aim to make Jesus famous not ourselves!
Make Jesus Famous
Ian Johnson
Jan 6, 2005
John 7:18 TLB Those who present their own ideas are looking for praise for themselves, but those who seek to honor the one who sent them are good and genuine. Micah 6:6-8 TLB 6 What can we bring to the LORD to make up for what we’ve done? Should we bow before God with offerings of yearling calves? 7 Should we offer him thousands of rams and tens of thousands of rivers of olive oil? Would that please the LORD? Should we sacrifice our firstborn children to pay for the sins of our souls? Would that make him glad? 8 No, O people, the LORD has already told you what is good, and this is what he requires: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.
Our ambition should be to serve the King of Kings Or put another way: We should aim to make Jesus famous not ourselves!
True humility is not a denial of our potential – Rather a recognition of Gods ability and authority in us to accomplish His purpose!
The Holy Spirit never speaks of Himself but only that which he has heard from the Father & Jesus!
John 16:13-15 When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not be presenting his own ideas; he will be telling you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future. 14 He will bring me glory by revealing to you whatever he receives from me. 15 All that the Father has is mine; this is what I mean when I say that the Spirit will reveal to you whatever he receives from me.
The Holy Spirit is the one who hovered over the face of the deep at creation – The one who acted when God spoke and was the action part of creation! Romans 8:11 declares that He (The Holy Spirit) raised Jesus from the dead and lives in you! This is the mighty Holy Spirit> Rauach Ha Kodesh! Yet he speaks not to glorify himself, but Jesus! He wants to make Jesus Famous! This is our pattern 1) Listen for what is being said in Heaven! (not your own ideas!) 2) Seek the Holy Spirits voice! (His voice is the one bringing Glory to Jesus) 3)Work with the Holy Spirit to see Jesus made famous! (Do whatever He says) 4)You may not receive acknowledgement from man but you will receive it from God! (note the woman who poured perfume onto the feet of Jesus, Jesus said this story is to be told forever) Thomas died on a dusty mountainside in India he didn’t care he wanted to make Jesus famous. Andrew died tied with rope to a cross and it took four days to die! He didn’t care he wanted to make Jesus famous. Paul lost his head in Rome, He didn’t care He just wanted to make Jesus famous! This is true worship
As I write this I am listening to Keith Green " Oh Lord you are Beautiful" The verse says
"Lord let me never seek a crown For my reward is giving Glory to you"!
Luke 14:11 For the proud will be humbled, but the humble will be honored." Lets talk about this pride for a moment! :Pride exalts natural ability or mans authority Mans Strength Mans knowledge Mans Accomplishments Mans capabilities Mans cleverness –Education When pride takes root Calamity will be the result! Because: Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction and haughtiness before a fall. Glory is one of Gods unique attributes and He has reserved it for Himself alone! Isaiah 48:11 For my own sake, for my own sake, I do it, for why should my name be profaned? My glory I will not give to another.
Satan AS Lucifer fell because he wanted the Glory that can only be Gods Ezekiel 28:11-17 . Give him this message from the Sovereign LORD: You were the perfection of wisdom and beauty. 13 You were in Eden, the garden of God. Your clothing was adorned with every precious stone—red carnelian, chrysolite, white moonstone, beryl, onyx, jasper, sapphire, turquoise, and emerald—all beautifully crafted for you and set in the finest gold. They were given to you on the day you were created. 14 I ordained and anointed you as the mighty angelic guardian. You had access to the holy mountain of God and walked among the stones of fire. 15 "You were blameless in all you did from the day you were created until the day evil was found in you. 16 Your great wealth filled you with violence, and you sinned. So I banished you from the mountain of God. I expelled you, O mighty guardian, from your place among the stones of fire. 17 Your heart was filled with pride because of all your beauty. You corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor. So I threw you to the earth and exposed you to the curious gaze of kings.