Make Disciples Series
Contributed by Ken Henson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The First Adam was given a commandment to create life. The Second Adam has given us the commandment to create eternal life in the hearts of all those around us. So as we go, as we teach, as we baptize, we are making disciples.
All authority is given to Jesus. This gives Him the right to command whatever He likes.
• He could have pronounced final judgment on the earth right then.
• He could have called down those 12 legions of angels to enact vengeance on a fallen and
rebellious humanity.
• He could have disestablished the Roman Empire and established the Empire of the Son.
Instead, He issued a commandment-a simple, lowly commandment with an intimate, human touch.
The only command is to “make disciples.” (all of the other elements of the commission are present, active, participles-not commands). Going, Baptizing, Teaching, make disciples. As we go, as we teach, as we baptize, we are making disciples, and that is what the commandment is.
The Great Commission is to make disciples.
1. Going
Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” John 20:21.
Jesus is sending His disciples. As Jesus left the throne of glory to live among us, He has sent us to go—to be His apostles, His ‘sent ones’. But as He left heaven to descend to our hell, He has called us to move from this hell we’ve made of earth to His heaven.
We must move out of the shacks of introversion and protectionism into the mansions of generosity and communion with our fellow humanity.
Obedience to the Great Commission means we can no longer live lives of comfort and ease.
We must become uncomfortable and uneasy, moving wherever God calls us.
Keith Green said “Unless God calls you to stay, He’s already called you to go.”
2. Baptizing
Baptism is identification with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. It is a complete transformation. It is, yes, conversion, but not in so puny and limited a sense as a mere transfer from one creed to another.
It is a complete rework.
• A movement from the darkness of ignorance to light of knowledge,
• From the wilderness of selfishness to the promised land of service,
• From the death of consuming pleasure to a life of consummated spirit.
• From groans of grief to songs of joy.
• From chants to a deaf, dumb and mute idol, to songs of praise to the eternal God.
We are to be going and baptizing, and that baptism means we are to bring people from death to life. We are also to teach.
3. Teaching
Teaching means passing on to others what you have learned. Any teacher must first be a student. In fact, the word “disciple” actually means student. If you are going to “make disciples” you have to make students.
You cannot teach others to do “all that Jesus commanded” unless you, yourself, are obedient to “all Jesus commanded.”
It brings us to the point of this message: the title “Make Disciples of all nations” is based on the only command of the Great Commission.
So, first, what the Great Commission is NOT about:
• It is NOT a command to evangelize the world. Making disciples involves more than telling
people the good news.
• It is NOT a command to build radio & television stations, and satellite networks.
• It is NOT a command to have crusades or other large outreach meetings.
So what is the Command of the Great Commission?
The rest of this message will be an attempt to answer that question.
To make disciples of Jesus, you must first be a disciple of Jesus. . . so, what are the elements that make a person a disciple of Jesus?
1. Intimate knowledge of Jesus
2. Calling by Jesus
3. Obedience to Jesus
4. Love from Jesus
5. Universal approach of Jesus
1. Intimate knowledge of Jesus
Jesus said, “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me— 15 just as the Father knows me and I know the Father. John 10:14-15
One of the disciples mentioned, “Show us the Father and that would suffice us.” Jesus said, “Have I been so long with you and you do not know Me? He who has seen Me, has seen the Father.” Jesus and the Father are one. There are three Persons – Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, and they is God. To know One is to know the other, and so to see Jesus is to see the Father.
Have we become so intimate with Jesus that when someone looks at us, they feel that they have seen Jesus? Have you become intimate in your knowledge of Him? If not, you cannot claim to be a disciple of Jesus, and you cannot then make disciples.
Paul said in Ephesians, “That you might be filled with the knowledge of God.”
Paul also said in Philippians, “I want to know Him . . .”
2. Calling by Jesus