
Summary: Make America Great Again will only come when the American church makes a total commitment to fulfill Christ’s Great Commission. But We Won't Go Back - God clearly wants to lead us forward to where He wants us to be next.

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Make America Great Again But We Won’t Go Back….

3 November 2024

Every four years, we are invited to the same cultural insanity. For every Presidential election, we are presented with a new slogans from candidates who will bring us the "Change We Can Believe In," who will "Make America Great Again," and who will help us all "Build Back Better and We Won’t Go Back" Yet the change, American needs, cultural and racial improvement ain’t here yet.

America is called the land of the free and we are supposed to have enumerable rights. Minorities in this country have to endure many hardships and only when everyone can come together as equals will America be a great country

Make America Great Again…. Starts with God

2 Chronicles 7:14 (NCV) Then if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, if they will pray and seek me and stop their evil ways, I will hear them from heaven. I will forgive their sin, and I will heal their land.

America is a nation made of families. The God ordained institution of the family and that is what holds America together.

There is a lot being said today about making America great again. For many years, our nation has been the victim of vicious Satanic attacks. The moral fiber of our nation has declined. We allowed the Bible and prayer to be taken out of schools, we have allowed the lie of evolution to infiltrate the minds of our young people, and we sat back and watched racist attacks and mass school shootings.

It is time for us to make America great again. It is time for us to take back what Satan has stolen. Making America great again is certainly possible when we elect the right people to lead our nation who will work to uphold the Biblical principles upon which this nation was founded. However, no politician will ever make America great again. The greatness of America is dependent upon the family. Without strong families, America will fall.

Men need to stand up and be men and fulfill their God-given role as the spiritual leaders of their home. Women need to be women and provide love and care for their children and support their husbands. We need traditional families made up of one man and one woman with their children, committed to one another for life. If we want to make America great again, we need to get back to the dinner table.

This election Day, I encourage you to go vote and then spend time with your family.

Get back to the old-fashioned dinner table and come together as a family that honors God and lives life together without giving up on each other when times get tough.

To make America Great Again, It begins with you and God. It begins with putting away the cell phones and turning off the televisions and focusing on those we say we love. We need to get back to a simple way of life. Fearing God, hard work, lending a helping hand, spending time with family, going to church, laughing, crying, living, being a family; this is what will make America great again!

My question today is this. What will “Make America Great Again? I believe there are 3 things we must do.

1. America must return to God,The founding fathers of America recognized the need of faith in God to help them

withstand the pressure from within and without. They knew that if their dream of an independent and democratic nation were to survive, they must invoke the help of God.

But America in recent decades has been steadily drifting away from God. She has become not only non-Christian but also anti-Christian in many areas. God is being driven out of her government, society, classrooms and public lives! The hour is late, But if all God’s people would stand up and speak up, the decline of America can still be turned. America’s spiritual suicide can still be averted.

2. Bring prayer back into our public schools. When I was in grade school every day we started the day with two things (1) The pledge of allegiance and (2) The Lord’s Prayer. In 1963 the United States Supreme Court ruled that officially sanctioned mandatory Bible-reading and prayer in American public schools was unconstitutional.

That was a sad day in the public school system. So what can students do? Well first of all you can pray before class and you can pray in class everyday ... silently. No one can stop you from doing that. And as adults we must pray for our students. In case you don’t know it, schools have changed.

If we expect our nation to change we must return to what the Bible says in 2 Chronicles 7:14 -Then if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, if they will pray and seek me and stop their evil ways, I will hear them from heaven. I will forgive their sin, and I will heal their land.

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