
Summary: God's Word 'trumps' all ... A timely look at the only way of escape from the looming destruction for which we are unwittingly poised. Includes PowerPoint and link to 17 message series by same name.

Make America Godly Again

Ps. 33:12-22

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Recently when I entered a voting booth I felt intimidated, like someone was watching me. Outside the polling station were many signs and even some people standing there offering literature. But the experience to which I am referring was inside the building, in the ‘privacy’ of a booth. I got the feeling that someone else could see my choices. And I felt pressure to vote the way THEY wanted me to.

But before you make out a police report, just know my experience wasn’t an unwelcome problem for me, for it was the eyes of my heavenly Father that were watching me, and I fully agreed with His promptings.

America is in a real mess, but my Father makes my choices really simple. It’s so straightforward. It’s obvious. For this reason I don’t have to tell you how to vote…God already has!

For America to be great again, America will have to be Godly again!

Hold on, are we supposed to be talking about this?

Well, there are three God-ordained institutions: the home, the church, and the government. Nobody says boo when we preach about the home or the church, but they try to assert that we can’t preach about the government. They say that church and state are to be separate. They should be reminded that our forefathers had just escaped government persecution of the church, and they wanted to keep them out of their business…not the other way around. Quite the contrary, our entire moral code was founded on the Bible!

Some Christians have been intimidated…and they’ve heard the ACLU and media talk soooo much about the separation of church and state—that they’ve actually started to believe in it.

In case you don’t know, that phrase never appears in the Constitution!

(however it is found in Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto!) It was coined in the U.S. from a letter the principle framer of the Constitution and Third President Thomas Jefferson wrote to the Danbury Baptist Association assuring them that he would keep the Government out of the Church (NOT the Church out of the Government). He was saying, never again will there be a government sponsored church like you had back in England, where everyone is forced to attend and support!

This is why the first amendment says:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…

There IS such a thing as separation of church and state, and it is intended as a one-way street!

Some say, no, they wanted to keep both separate!

Well, let’s think about that.

1. First colonies – Jamestown, Va. First community bldg was a church. It’s the only bldg there with wall still standing today.

2. Puritans first act at Plymouth Rock = kneel, praise God, and dedicate the new colony.

3. Roger Williams (Bapt. Minister) est. Rhode Island.

4. Lord Baltimore held church service in establishing Maryland.

5. William Penn (Quaker) est. Penn, NY, DEL, Conn, NC, SC, Georgia.

Ill. -- When you read their writings you see no doubt that God birthed America.

6. William Penn in writing gov’t policies for PA made sure “all treasurers, judges, and all elected officials professed faith in Christ.”

Our Founding Fathers consistently spoke of the need for utilizing the Bible and Judeo-Christian values in defining and preserving this nation:

* Twelve of the original 13 colonies incorporated the entire Ten Commandments into their civil and criminal codes.

Our first president, George Washington, took the oath of office and put his hand on what? (the Bible)

What was his first official act as President? (kissed the Bible, then held a 2 hr. praise/worship session in Congress)

How did they determine to open sessions of Congress? (in prayer)

Who would lead in those prayers? (chaplains)

How would they be paid? (tax dollars)

Does all of that sound like they wanted to keep God out of government?

By the way, opening in prayer is an ironic subject…why is it that the little boys and girls cannot in school, but the big Congressmen can?

Who decided to put “In God We Trust” on our coins? It was adopted by Congress in 1956!

*In 1776, 11 of the 13 colonies required that one had to be a Christian to be eligible to run for political office. [what if today?!]

*In 1777, the Continental Congress voted to spend $300,000 to purchase Bibles for distribution in the nation.

* President John Adams stated, “The law given from Sinai was a civil and municipal code as well as a moral and religious code.”



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Thomasine Mcneill

commented on Jan 11, 2017

By the time he died Ronald Reagan was a boy of 12. And when Reagan was in office, our most recent President was still eating dogs in Kenya! .... I was appalled by your use of "our most recent President was still eating dogs in Kenya" in your analogy.

Dearl Hardy

commented on Feb 3, 2017

This is probably something you should take up with Obama since he wrote it in his autobiography, I hardly see where Pastor Shirley has done anything wrong by quoting his book with a factual statement. Maybe you are creating your own judgmental reaction because you have your own problem that you are projecting onto Pastor Shirley.Maybe you should pray about what is really the root of your issue. Very nice sermon as always Pastor Shirley thank you for keeping it honest and godly as you always do. you help so many of us in our sermon preps. God bless

Dearl Hardy

commented on Feb 3, 2017

Oh and by the way as i responded I assumed you and eddie mcgriff listed below are the same ones that instantly pop up online as both being affiliated deeply within the democratic party, among other things it shows online. Maybe that influences your feelings on his sermon for the wrong reasons. God bless You are in my prayers. love in Christ

Thomasine Mcneill

commented on Jan 11, 2017

By the time he died Ronald Reagan was a boy of 12. And when Reagan was in office, our most recent President was still eating dogs in Kenya! .... I was appalled by your use of "our most recent President was still eating dogs in Kenya" in your analogy.

Rick Sutton

commented on Jan 13, 2017

Why were you appalled when this is what he wrote in his own autobiography?

Eddie Mcgriff

commented on Jan 27, 2017

we are appalled because he said nothing of the kind when referencing the other presidents, but drew from what could be twisted to mean our former president practice some primitive in his book president Obama talked about things he was exposed too and did with the other children, servants, and low-level bureaucrats, and friends, such as catching crickets, flying kites, eating small green chili pepperss raw, and away from the dinner table they were introduced dog meat [though tough], snake meat, roasted grasshoppers [crunchy]. he alos mentioned the people believed that people believed in ancient customs people took on the power of what they ate, there even the promise from someone to bring home tiger meat; so it just seems suspicious that you would only draw on that excerpt when mentioning president Obama but didnt mention any other childhood behaviors of the other men. just very poor choice you made, very poor

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