Love One Another
Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Jul 7, 2020 (message contributor)
Summary: We are called to love one another. we do not always have to agree to love like Christ.
Love one another
1 John 3:11-24
Good Morning,
As we begin the service this morning, listen to the lyrics to the song “Do it again” from Elevation worship.
Walking around these walls,
I thought by now they’d fall
But you have never failed me yet.
Waiting for change to come
Knowing the battle’s won
For you have never failed me yet.
I know the night won’t last
Your word will come to pass
My heart will sing your praise again
Jesus, you’re still enough
Keep me within your live
My heart will sing your praise again.
At a rally we had here last week, I said that in my playlist are songs that are ministering to my soul! Some of the song words coming right out of God’s word.
I believe coming with His anointing to touch people’s lives!
I desire with all my heart to see God do something fresh and new.
I am not sure how He will do it but I want him to do it - begin in my heart Lord and then let it spread like wildfire.
I see people that are mad on both sides of every issue right now- They are ready to fight!
I see hurt and I see pain and I see a bridge of hope burning and both sides throwing gasoline on it.
God come to the heart of the people and allow them to be sensitive to the hearts of others-
I am thankful that we are having conversations that would bring people back to the table where decisions that could change our lives will happen.
One more song lyric that has a scripture built right in. (Elevation Worship)
Unstoppable God
Let your glory go on and on
Impossible things
In Your name, they shall be done
Nothing shall be impossible
Your kingdom reigns unstoppable
We'll shout Your praise forevermore
Jesus our God unstoppable
Nothing shall be impossible
Father, we are not gathered together this morning because of the Corona Virus, but we can corporately worship and we can corporately come together and we desire to see you do something fresh and new. We can have your heart that will not only change our hearts but will make an impact in this world that desperately needs you. As we go to your word, let us desire for it to speak to us in whatever manner your Spirit leads. We are before you with broken hearts, may you also be allowed to break our hardened hearts so that you might be able to come and apply healing to each of us. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Would you turn to 1 John 3:11-24 Read from Bible
I believe the writer to be John. He wrote the gospel of John, 2 John 3 John. I would believe that he wrote 1 John.
He wrote this letter to the church.
He is writing to believers on how they should be acting to each other and to others outside of the faith.
He begins his message with… this is the message that you have heard from the beginning- What message? The message to love one another like Christ.
Don’t allow evil to be in your heart so bad and unchecked that you kill your brother just like Cain did with his brother Abel.
Evil in Cain’s heart because Abel sacrifice was accepted by God and Cain’s was not.
Cain knew he offered God a blemished offering and Abel did not, but Cain was still filled with anger that killed his brother.
Don’t be surprised that the world hates you- because if you are not careful, you can have that kind of hatred even for family who should be easier to love.
The word is specific that if that kind of hatred is in your heart that you have moved away from the love of God.
The present call to love is for you, me, us, we, our community, and one another.
John writes that to love one another is an obligation one could do and should do.
It is an act of loving the same way that Christ modeled on the cross.
Not one of us would say that Jesus did not go to the cross for those that hated, offended, meant ill against him, had private motives, disagreed with him, twisted his words, or plain just could not get along with him.
There was room at the cross for all of them.
Cain lost his way as soon as he allowed evil in his heart and his self righteousness to compromise what he knew was right.
His allegiance was wrong so wrong acts followed.
We say that we would not murder anyone- maybe we maim them or physically get into their airspace but not murder.
(16) This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brother. If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has not pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.”