
Summary: The world has a much different idea of how to love God.

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Love of God

1 John 4:10-12


1 John 4:10-12

The greatest love ever shown to mankind is the love of God.

The love the Father had in sending His Son Jesus Christ, and the Son of God sacrificially giving His life for our redemption.

Between Christmas(birth) and His death on the death Good Friday, to His resurrection has He shown His love for each one of us.

The world has a different idea of love.

It is not sacrificial, it is selfish.

Instead of what God did for us, in which we can never repay or match, the world idea is what is in it for me.

When it does not directly give back to them, it is thrown out for a better, or younger, or more expensive model.

Poets and song writers have tried very hard to put words what love is and have probably tried to look at it in every angle.

We know that love is a powerful force and we never grow tired of hearing about it, but we all at times still struggle to be able to comprehend and express love on a daily basis.

The word of God gives us insight to God’s love.

I believe the Bible is full of ways that God says that He loves us.

I believe that it is full of ways that God tells us how we should love God and how to love others.

Most people act like they can pick and choose what parts they like, which parts work for them and their current situation.

The Bible opens with 4 words “In the beginning God”

Before mankind, and /or anything else there was God. It says that God created all things, people, animals, earth, water, fish, and every step of the way, He said it was good. By His Standards!

The Bible assumes and never argues the fact that God exists and that God created. Although everything else had a beginning, God has always been. God by issuing His own degree, brought all things into existence, so we can see that when God said, “Let it be” that the next step to happen would be whatever God wanted to happen.

I say all that to tell you when you are looking for love, that you will want it to be defined by God, and not of your own.

The authority of almighty God.

The world

Love is a rose and you better not pick it.

Love is all you need.

Love is a 4 letter word.

Love is in the air.

Writers have written some mushy stuff.

“I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you- Roy Croft.

“To the world, you may only be one person, but to one person you are the world.” Bill Wilson.

“If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you.” A.A. Milne

All these cute sayings, when in fact it is temporary.

They have all but taken the phrase “till death due us part” out of marriages because so many are broken and they are offended that you actually have to be that committed to someone.

On the authority of God’s Word our text it says that the best example of God’s love was when Jesus died for our sins.

This world has had a hard time grasping that.

Every year, this year no exception, that someone has found the tomb of Jesus and his family. The greatest love was when Jesus died and was resurrected and they try to mare and destroy that by accusations that take away from His love and sacrifice and take away His hope we have in Him.

Words have a way of being abused. The English language does not have a good way of defining love.

We love chocolate- we love our children. The same, of course not.

We love baseball- we love God. The same- hope not.

These are different levels of love. From like to sold out.

These different levels of love hold different spots in our hearts.

I love my car.

I love my house.

I love candy.

I love my grandchildren.

They cannot be at the same level of love.

God took the Greek word Agape and infused it with new meaning “God centered love.”

God centered love is expressed by Jesus on the cross.

God centered love was what God had in mind when He loves sinners who have no way to get to God but by showing them God’s love.

God centered love so that we do not have to live in this world without the power of God working in our lives.”

God’s commitment to love us-

His expression of love and how we need to love God and love others.

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