Love, Honor And Marriage
Contributed by Jennifer Lincoln on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The importance of love, honor, and marriage as a whole
Love, honor, and marriage are the subjects that I will be speaking unto you by the Holy Ghost. These three are like a three fold cord that is not quickly broken. Love is so powerful that the entire law is fulfilled upon it, and that it covers all sins. How many of us are truly walking in the spirit of love? Romans 12:9 says let love be without dissimulation meaning love goes beyond pretense and hypocrisy. Real love requires concentration and effort. It demands action and it must be sincere without wax. The bible says because of iniquity abounding; the love of many shall wax cold. Relationships are waxing cold because couples are not being devoted anymore. They have allowed the enemy within to come and cause havoc in their lives breaking up homes, and causing many to turn to the same sex. Love goes deeper than you saying I love you. How can you love someone when you won’t make a sacrifice for them? Jesus said no greater love than this than a man lay down his life for his friends. Jesus shows us agape love makes sacrifices for the benefit of the other person. Agape love is a "giving" love. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. Agape love seeks to give rather than to get. Agape love keeps on loving even when the other person doesn't respond; agape love keeps on loving without asking for anything in return. Agape love will cause you to love your enemies those who persecute you, lie on you, and say all manner of evil against you. Yes love is a decision. You got to decide to love in spite of how you feel. True love requires sacrifice and hard work. It requires not being selfish, and having the Holy Spirit because we are not capable of this on our own. To truly walk in the Spirit of love requires honoring one another above your own self. Both partners are to take the lead in showing respect to, and for one another especially in public. To honor means to esteem, to reverence God, to respect, and to receive physical and spiritual blessings. Proverbs 3:9 says we must honor God with all our substance. Many times we want to give God our leftovers. Many times we give with the wrong intent. Some of us are really sincere in honoring God but our attitude causes God to dishonor it. We are to honor one another and 1 Peter 2: 17 say that we are to honor all men, Love the brotherhood. Fear God, Honor the king. We are free from keeping the law as a means to earn salvation, however we are still to honor God by obeying the commandments out of gratitude for our salvation. The commandments are an expression of God’s will for us and don’t you think we ought to honor him by keeping his commandments and the Sabbath holy. If we love Jesus we will honor him. We will respect and esteem others above ourselves out of true love. Love, honor, and marriage go together. They are bonded together to build strong relationships. Hebrews 13:4 says that marriage is honorable in all and the bed undefiled. Marriage was made to fit good people in a good society. It is not a yielding to man's sinful tendencies. But whoremongers and adulterers God will judge, because they are sinning. Adultery dishonors and destroys this holy relationship. At the same time our Lord honors marriage, He condemns, in a strong manner, the sin of uncleanness. Let no one think that sexual sin is a human weakness that God overlooks. It is a violation of God's purpose to such an extent that it constitutes defilement of His divine plan. We are living in an age of moral looseness. This can be attributed mostly to wars that drew many women into industrial employment, a decline in the Bible standard of Christian faith, and the disregard of the authority of God's Word. This has opened the door for pornographic literature, motion pictures, and television that glorify wickedness.
God will judge all who condone, participate, and allow especially in his church. Ephesians 5: 27 Jesus referred marriage between a husband and wife as unto the church he is looking to present to his Father a glorious church not having spot, wrinkle, or any such thing but it should be holy and without blemish. Men are to love their own wives as their own bodies and wives you must reverence your husbands. Love, honor, and marriage are like a three-fold cord intertwined together it cannot easily be broken.