
Love Adores Extravagantly

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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Jesus loved extravagantly, and we can follow His example by loving others in the same way.

Love Adores Extravagantly

Youth Group Plan: Love Adores Extravagantly (John 12:1-8)

Youth Sermon: Love Adores Extravagantly

The Story of Mary and Her Crazy Love

Imagine you've got the most expensive thing you own. Maybe it's your phone, your gaming console, or those brand-new sneakers. Now, imagine giving it away to someone you really care about. Sounds crazy, right? That's exactly what Mary did.

Jesus was chilling at a dinner party when Mary, a woman known for her mistakes, showed up. She brought a jar of perfume that was worth a year's wages and poured it all over Jesus' feet, wiping them with her hair.

Mary's actions were wild and totally out of line, but she loved Jesus like crazy. She was all in, giving Him her full attention and affection.

Jesus didn't push her away. Instead, He praised her. He didn't see her as a distraction but as the main event. He showed her crazy love and forgave her sins, telling her to go in peace.

Imagine you've got the most expensive thing you own... Now, imagine giving it away to someone you really care about. Sounds crazy, right? That's exactly what Mary did.

The Reaction of Jesus and the Lesson for Us

Let's pause for a sec. If you were Jesus, how would you react? If you were the host, what would you do?

Jesus turned to Mary and made her the star of the show. He didn't put her down but lifted her up. He told her to live a life that's right and free.

Jesus even said that Mary's act of love would be remembered wherever the gospel is preached.

What if people like Mary are God's way of showing us what crazy love looks like? Instead of pushing them away, let's learn from them.

Sometimes, what the world sees as distractions are actually divine opportunities. These moments give us a chance to show crazy love to others.

Loving others without conditions might seem nuts, but it's worth it. It might be tough and awkward, but it fills us with joy, peace, and love.

Crazy love takes time and effort, but it's not always about big gestures. It's about making someone feel seen and valued.

Who can you love like crazy today and in the days to come? Think of someone who needs to feel loved and valued.

Don't hold back. Give your time, words, and stuff to make them feel special. Love them without worrying about what others think.

Love them like crazy, just like Mary loved Jesus and Jesus loved Mary. Let's pray together.


Let's pray: God, help us to love like You do. Give us the guts and the smarts to love others like crazy, just like You love us. Amen.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. How did it feel to pour the 'perfume' on the picture of your loved one?

2. What does extravagant love look like to you?

3. How can you show extravagant love to others in your life?

4. How did Jesus show extravagant love in the Bible stories we discussed?

5. How can we apply Jesus' example of extravagant love in our lives?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Perfume Pouring

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