
Summary: A message to stir the church from complacency to commitment. A message for revival and repentance.

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Scripture: Luke 15:4-7

A Message by Pastor Rex E. Faile, Sr.

Lakewood Christian Church

Luke 15:4-7

4 What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it?

5 And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing.

6 And when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends and neighbours, saying unto them, Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost.

7 I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.


Introduction: Can you ever remember a time when you did not know where you were or you did not know where everyone else was? My earliest remembrance is when I was a small child and had went with my mother to K-Mart in Charlotte, NC. I wandered over to the toy dept. and got separated from mom. Did I go to hollering and crying because I was scared and alone? You bet! Another time I was with mom in San Diego, CA. I was about 5 or 6 and took off down the road on my uncles bicycle. Made a couple of turns…and lost again. Every house looked the same and they were packed in like sardines. Again, I went to hollering and crying…obviously they found me.. I’m here today J

What was my emotional state in both these episodes? Unadulterated fear! Why? In the first place I knew where I was…but didn’t know where mother was. For a 4-5 year old this was terrifying. My security…my home…my peace…my comfort…all drifting away!

In the second I knew neither where I was or where my mother was!! I had no idea how to get back…thankfully, the family came for me and found me.

Lost Christians…sounds like an oxymoron. But in this message I want to stretch our understanding beyond the heaven and hell issue for these are generally the terms we use when applying to “salvation.” Does Heaven and Hell have a part in this message? Always? But let us not think today so much on the “start and finish” of our journey, but as we say so often, on the process.

I. Salvation and the “Lost” Issue

*For the purpose of this message we deal primarily with “sanctification”

A. Salvation has 3 components

1. I am saved “from the penalty” of sin (this took place at the new birth)

A. Justified

2. I am being saved “from the practice” of sin (this is part of our maturity)

B. Sanctified

3. I will be saved “from the presence” of sin (when I put on the heavenly)

C. Glorification

I. Why are People Spiritually Lost

* These are only primers to evoke the listeners to thought as to where they might be

A. Following others…. I’m just a passenger

B. Trusting our emotions or instincts…My inner self

C. Willfully and Intentionally Lost…Living on the Edge

D. Wrong Directions…GPS gave wrong signal

E. Full Steam Ahead…But to where??? Insanity…losing our way and doubling our efforts with no help

F. Finally…and For Us All… “We Are All Born Lost!”

Ultimately…All the above were “unprepared” for the dangers that would soon


II. The Consequences Of Our Being “Lost”

* Again, these are only primers to help the listener evaluate their own pursuits

A. We bring grief to the Owner.. He’s lost one of His own

B. Ask Yourself This Question…

1. “Is My Life Bringing Joy or Grief To God and Those Around Me?”

2. “Is My Life a Help or Hindrance to the Building of God’s Church and Kingdom? Am I a FULL-TIME committed, faithful, humble, servant that is consistently Blessing and being a blessing?

3. Is my life ON COURSE with God so that everyone knows “where I am?

C. If God is happy with me…I can be happy with myself !!

III. Define Saved and Lost - If we have a good definition of salvation then all the “counterfeits” will come to light in its truth.

*The following scriptures validate the blessings of our salvation and warnings otherwise

A. Salvation - Our reconciliation (having once been enemies to God but now receiving forgiveness and newness of the Spirit) to God by the blood of His Son Jesus Christ, becoming partakers of the covenant and all its promises, full of hope and God’s power in both this world and the world to come. (definition mine…surely not exhaustive but a place to start J)

Eph 2:12-13

12 That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world:

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