
Summary: If Jesus isn’t Lord before you get in the boat, He can’t be the Lord of your rocking boat.

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The super tanker, Edmund Fitzgerald was built in 1958 at the Great Lakes Engineering Works in River Rouge, MI. Possessing an overall length of 729 ft. it was the largest tanker ever to sail the Great Lakes.

On Nov. 9, 1975, the Edmund Fitzgerald left her port in Superior, Wisconsin en route to a steel mill near Detroit.

Crossing Lake Superior at about (15 mph), the ship encountered winds in excess of (58 mph) and waves as high as 35 feet.

In the afternoon of Monday, November 10, the winds increased to a hurricane force over (70 mph). By 3:30 PM the Fitzgerald radioed in that she had minor damage, had loss of radar, had poor visibility due to snow and her two bilge pumps were running continuously to empty her hull. At 5:45 PM the Fitzgerald had seas washing over her decks and the seasoned Capt. McSorley radioed in that it was, "One of the worst seas I’ve ever been in." By 7:10 PM, the Fitzgerald was notified that a rogue wave large enough to be caught on radar was heading there way. When the wave hit her it snapped her in half like a bone and sent her 500 feet to the bottom of Lake Superior.

The Bible tells us that we will all face storms in life. But I don’t have to tell you that, I know that all of you have been through them and there is not one of you here that will never face one.

The Bible says that in this life you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33 However, don’t forget it does say that we will have trouble and tribulation.

The Bible says He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. Matt 5:45

We will have: difficulties¸ troubles¸ trials¸ hard times¸ and problems. Facing storms is not the issue. The issue is, “Are you ready for the storm?” Are you ready for when the gale force winds cause the waves to crash over your hull? When will it come? It may not be today or tomorrow or next month, but it will come.

What I want you to know today is that the clouds will always gather overhead. The wind will always blow against you, the waves will buffet you and the storms of life will rage against you, because that is a fact of life. But the question I have for you this morning is, “Are you ready for the storm?”

We don’t know what clouds are building in the days to come or what storms are brewing out at sea for America and our way of life, but the smell of rain is in the air and the clouds are on the horizon and things will probably get tougher for many before they get better. Such was the case for Jesus’ disciples in a boat on the Sea of Galilee. Though the Sea of Galilee is only 5 miles wide, its unique topography can bring on gale force winds caused by rising thermals and cold downward drafts.

As the disciples made their way across the Sea, we are told that a squall came down on the lake, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger. v.23 In Matthew’s eyewitness account he uses the word seismos to tell us that it was like earthquake. In any account, these seasoned fisherman, who knew this Sea like the back of their hand were blind sighted. They were sailing along with perfect weather and all of the sudden, “BAM,” the storm hits.

Have you ever felt like the disciples felt that day? Your life was progressing along nicely – the sun was shining, the winds were calm, the water smooth – and then all of the sudden “BAM” the storm hits your life. The breath is knocked out of you and you’re knocked off of your feet.

You look up to Heaven and say “Lord, don’t you see what is going on down here? Can’t you tell that I’m drowning? Don’t you care that I’m in trouble?”

Mark 4: 38 Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, "Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?"

Have you ever felt that way? “Lord my boat is taking on water and I’m about to drown, don’t you care!”

Maybe I’m preaching to someone here today that feels just like one of these disciples. Life has punched you in the gut. Problems hang on you like a wet blanket. Storms are blowing off your shingles. Difficulties are flooding your basement. Sickness is eating away at you and trials are sucking you dry.

Maybe I’m preaching to someone today that feels like nothing is stable, nothing is grounded, everything is shaking and everything seems to be going wrong. You look up and say “God don’t you care if I’m drowning?

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