
Summary: There comes a time, where a person has to draw a line in the sand and say, enough is enough, I can't do it on my own, I'm not going to kid myself anymore, I'm going to lay it all down and trust Jesus for every, single, solitary thing from now on...

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Lord change me!

1 John 2:3-6 Voice

3 We know we have joined Him in an intimate relationship because we live out His commands. 4 If someone claims, “I am in an intimate relationship with Him,” but this big talker doesn’t live out His commands, then this individual is a liar and a stranger to the truth. 5 But if someone responds to and obeys His word, then God’s love has truly taken root and filled him. This is how we know we are in an intimate relationship with Him: 6 anyone who says, “I live in intimacy with Him,” should walk the path Jesus walked.

Illus. By Gregory McDonald Sr.

Well, one way to respond to opportunity is to learn to recognize it even when it is disguised as difficulty. In a famous study by Victor and Mildred Goertzel, the home backgrounds of 300 highly successful people were investigated.

All 300 of these people made it to the top of their respected fields. And they were names all of us would probably Franklin Roosevelt, Helen Keller, Albert Schweitzer, Clara Barton, Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Ghandi...

Well here is what the study revealed. Three-fourths of these people were troubled in childhood by either poverty, broken homes, rejection, or over possessive or dominating parents.

74 of the 85 writers of fiction or drama--and 16 of the 20 poet--came from homes where, as children, they saw or experienced physical, emotional, or spiritual abuse.

More than 75 were victims of physical handicaps such as blindness, deafness, or crippled limbs. And yet every one of them somehow recognized the "advantage of disadvantage" ...and became the people God had called them to be.

It's amazing that some people automatically conclude that difficulty, adversity, obstacles and objections are signs that God is closing the door of opportunity. And most of the time that is just not true!

If a person is going through life with no spiritual guidance or relationship with God in their lives, closed doors represent what they think is yet another roadblock on the path to their self controlled destiny!

However Closed doors are not missed opportunities, if you are truly letting God lead and direct your life! What they are is friendly stop signs along the way God puts there to say, hey this is not the way! Let me Spare you the drama of going down the wrong way street you are about to regret.

If you are trusting God with your future and destiny, there is no physical limitations that can hold a person back achieving what God has for them!

Unless they think their limitations are bigger than Gods ability to help them in spite of what they think their limitations are!

Did you know that there are people who think that life being unfair, is a limitation? Did you know that there are people that think their personal circumstance at any given time, is a limitation? Did you know that there are people, because of their upbringing or their social status feel that is also a limitation?

Even while those things sometimes feel like limitations, those are self-imposed limitations. And I say that not to make light of any persons situation, but because they can all be overcome with Gods help, sooner rather then later. And none of them are permanent, unless a person chooses to make them permanent!

There is a big difference between those who talk about wanting God to help them and those who choose to trust God with the future and plans for their lives no matter what happens, and are ok with the results!

1 John 2:3-6 Voice

3 We know we have joined Him in an intimate relationship because we live out His commands. 4 If someone claims, “I am in an intimate relationship with Him,” but this big talker doesn’t live out His commands, then this individual is a liar and a stranger to the truth. 5 But if someone responds to and obeys His word, then God’s love has truly taken root and filled him. This is how we know we are in an intimate relationship with Him: 6 anyone who says, “I live in intimacy with Him,” should walk the path Jesus walked.

Until a person truly relinquishes their control to the Lords will and destiny for their life, things will never change! But once they do, things will start to change and it won't be because of anything they did, but everything God is doing for them, in them and

through them!

Saying that you want to change and declaring that you have changed are just idle words, unless God is the one in charge of doing the changing in a persons life!

Are you saying if I do that I'll be on the easy track? No, but I know without a doubt that you'll be on the right track! And once you're on the right track, its so much easier to receive the blessings that God has for you all along the way beside the track! Amen??

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