
Summary: What is communion really about?

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5 Looks of The Lord’s Supper

I Cor. 11:17-34


This Morning we will be partaking The Lord’s Supper.

Often we may receive the bread and the juice without really understanding what this act of obedience is all about.

Let’s take a look at this passage of scripture to see what it is really about.

Actually we will take five looks this morning at this passage and at our own lives.

(Draw Stickman with arrow pointing out)

1) The look out.

Communion causes us to take a look out to others.

Read 11:17-22

Paul starts out with a harsh rebuke:

“I have no praise for you” (v.s. 17)

Paul’s words are harsh because when the church would come together to take communion they did not demonstrate love for one another.

Read 20-21

**Communion was a full meal.

Because churches still met in homes at this time it was often the wealthy who would host the communion meal.

A) Design of homes.

Some historians tell us that the homes of wealthy were designed like this.

(Draw Picture of a wealthy home) (Draw a Large square with small square in the center representing an open court. A kitchen on the corner. A dining room beside both- You must pass through the dinning room to get to the open court)

The gathering was often large enough that all of the people could not fit in the small dinning room.

-some people would be sent to the open court.

B) Rotation of homes

Often times the services would rotate from home to home.

If I am the one hosting the service and I know that next time XXXXX will be hosting it I will be sure to get XXXXX a good seat in the dining room so he will give me a good seat next time.

C) The problem.

Each time the server brought the food through the dinning room the “important” guest’s would be re-served and little would be left for the “less-important” guests in the open court.

This is why Paul says. “I have no praise for you in this…one gets drunk and another goes hungry!”

Re-emphasize: 1st look (out to others).

Mat. 5:23-24 addresses the same attitude of heart.

Interesting that is says, “If you know your brother has something against you.”


“If you have something against your brother.”

Taking the elements of the Lord’s Elements should first of all cause us to take a look out to others… Do I have anything against a brother or do they have any thing against me?

Do not take! If you are not in proper relationship with others.

2) The second look is a look up to Christ. (draw

arrow pointing up)

Read 11:23-25

Taking the communion elements should remind us to look up to Christ.

Christ is our source of salvation and strength.

He is more than just a man who lived 2000 yrs ago – He is our present day Savior!

-Only Christ’s promises will stand!

-Only Christ can give us the grace we need for today!

-Only Christ can change us and overcome our weaknesses!

We must get our eyes off of the pleasures and problems of this world and look up to Christ!

Jesus said:

“This do in remembrance of me”

The Lords supper reminds s that we are in covenant with Christ.

-He will honor His word to us.

-He is with us today

-We can look to Him!

Remember that Christ is faithful!!!

It is easy in this world full of sin to get our eyes on the wrong things.

<<< ILL>>>

-Young couple with a new baby

-Wife notices the husband was not in bed

-She sees him staring at their new born baby laying in his crib

-She cherished the moment awhile

-Anxiety, pleasure, excitement, fear, expectation all covered her husbands face.

-Finally She could not contain herself and said, “ A penny for your thoughts honey.”

*The man answered, “I cannot believe I got this crib for $39 !”

He missed the baby in the crib.

Don’t look at the wrong things in life – look to Christ.

The old chorus says.

“Turn your eyes to Jesus,

look full into His wonderful face,

And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,

In the Light of His glory and grace.”

This morning as we take the elements – get your eyes off the world and look to Jesus.

3) The Look back to the cross. (arrow pointing back)

Communion reminds us not only of what Christ is currently doing in our lives, but also what He did on the cross.

A) The work of the cross.

-Jesus carried our sins on the cross.

-Only when we have been saved by the work of Jesus on the cross can we understand the significance of the bread and the juice.

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