
Summary: Gods will to heal

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Luke 9:51

Now it came to pass, when the time had come for Him to be received up, that He steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem,

Forgiveness is a choice, it is something that we will decide to do when we come to the conclusion that the past doesn’t change, but how we process life right now can change the course of our future. You can either allow God’s forgiveness to be manifest through your life or you can choose to hold on to bitterness and live the rest of your life in torment. God’s will is to see you whole and healed, physically, mentally and spiritually God’s desire is for you this evening.

“Forgiveness is not an occasional act; it is a permanent attitude.” How we view the act or forgiveness will be the turning point of the rest of our lives. Beloved tonight I pray that forgiveness will be the focal point of your life.

In our scripture the bible tells us that the face of Jesus was steadfast toward Jerusalem. To be steadfast is to be determined, there are no distractions, nothing will persuade Him or veer Him off course, He knows where He is going and why. It is for the forgiveness of sins for all humanity. Jerusalem the place where forgiveness was performed for us to see.

1st Point “What was He looking at?”

Our scripture speaks of a very difficult walking path, a very disturbing truth, on betrayal, see beloved we read that Jesus was firm toward Jerusalem but the question is what was at Jerusalem? Why was Jesus so focused on making His trip there?

We look at the scripture at hand and we see the cross is at Jerusalem, the cross of Calvary is awaiting the Savior of the world. Three Nails, one cross and a crown of thorns was at the very hill of Calvary. So why would Jesus be so firm on setting His trip to such a place to die?

We look at this and begin to question His motives, nothing was in it for Him, it wasn’t a money scheme, it wasn’t a gain all and move on scheme, it was purely the love He had for those that would betray Him.

When we move on to further chapters, we come to Luke 23

Luke 23:32-34

32 There were also two others, criminals, led with Him to be put to death. 33 And when they had come to the place called Calvary, there they crucified Him, and the criminals, one on the right hand and the other on the left. 34 Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.”

Here we have this truth, Jesus died for His enemies: He was determined to face death at its worst, with a clear mind and senses unclouded. Listen to me this evening this was a very heart-breaking moment. Here we have the Savior of the world hanging on a cross as a criminal for the sins of man. Body broken beyond recognition, face spat upon, names being called outside of His royalty. Think with me for a moment the scenery, what was He looking at? Who were the people that were in such disarray?

Jesus was looking at the very people He healed screaming crucify Him. The very ones He would teach in the synagogue, the ones He would feed, the ones He loved and kept His mission for, they were the ones that would scream crucify Him and yet in this barbarous moment, we would hear the very words flow from His mouth. “Father forgive them.”

Jesus said many wonderful things, but rarely anything more wonderful than, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” Beloved Christian forgiveness is an amazing thing. There is nothing so lovely and nothing so rare as Christian forgiveness. When the unforgiving spirit is threatening to turn our hearts to bitterness, let us hear again our Lord asking forgiveness for those who crucified Him.

There are moments that have taken our breathe away, moments that have surprised us to disbelief, hurtful things said and done from those whom you have given your all for and betrayal is cruel, unfair and hurtful and yet as the wrong has been done to us we have done wrong to God and yet we still hear Father forgive, we are deserving of death and we see that Jesus died so we can have life.

2nd Point “Forgiveness is Key”

Throughout life there are upsets and disappointments, but nothing hurts like a close one betraying you. Nothing takes the cake like a close friend or family member turning coat, this is cruel and can leave a nasty scar. But forgiveness is the only way to receiving complete healing and wholeness.

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