
Summary: Rejoice in your salvation!

Galatians 1:1-5

Proposition: You must rejoice in your salvation!

I. Because of the miracle that bought you! 1

A. Man had no part in it!

B. It cannot be duplicated!

II. Because of the scope of the miracle! 1-2

A. Enemies become brethren! 1

B. There are no limits! 2

III. Because of the motive behind the miracle! 3

A. It was an act of grace!

B. It was an act of peace!

IV. Because of the power of the miracle! 4

A. It paid for our sins!

B. It can deliver us from this age!

V. Because of the result of the miracle! 4,5

A. The Father’s will was fulfilled! 4

B. The Father is glorified! 5

Scripture Reading: Psalms 63

Bulletin: Psalms 5:11,12

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