
Summary: This sermon is an account of Jesus’ Triumphal Entry, and focuses on the beast that he called from obscurity to service.

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Located, Loosed and Lead

Mark 11: 2-10

Job 39:5-7

The preaching of this passage usually is reserved for palm Sunday but it is a very important passage and is practical and applicable to us in many ways. It is the narrative of Jesus’ triumphal entry in to Jerusalem.

It fulfills prophecy and it is the eschatological event that shifts the tide and aroused the hatred and loathing of the Jewish rulers. And in one day they go from being silently contentious to being violently envious.

The pericapy starts off with instructions and a mission, and while the instruction is to the disciples the mission belongs to the colt. He told the disciples to go and get the colt. But the disciples could not carry out the work that Jesus needed to be performed; it was to be performed by the colt.

Sometimes God will lead you to someone not so that you can receive a job but because God has need of that person. And in order to bring there destiny to pass he sends you to find them. Just like many of you are here because of the efforts on the part of an outreach worker, or a friend, who told you that they really would like for you to come and see what a good time they had down at church.

That’s why you can’t afford to be partial and prejudice in your witnessing. It might just be that the person who your bringing into the kingdom, will turn out to be the one that will usher the spirit of God into your church.

Jesus was about to go into the city of Jerusalem and witness to the people that he had been sent to first. For the largest concentration of Jews at that time was found in Jerusalem. And because it was the time of the Passover there were many Jews that were from afar off who had come to participate in the sacrifices and rituals of the season.

And so while he was still a ways off he sent two of his disciples to go and find a colt that he new had been tied up. And I want to stop right there and there are two points that I would like to make right here.

Number one the colt had never been sat on before. In other words this colt had been lead around by a rope all of his life. He had never really been used for the purpose that he was brought into the world for. And I’m sure that people had laid on him some burdens.

I mean he had probably had to carry some heavy loads but he had never really done anything worthwhile. And I don’t know if the colt of an ass aspires in his own heart to greatness. But if I were an ass I believe that I would probably want to say one day to my children. That I had carried someone who was royalty. I would probably like to say that there was a man who couldn’t walk and I had carried him to a doctor. Or maybe I had one day carried a treasure of one of the sheiks of Arabia.

But this colt was leading a life of obscurity. No one really cared a whole lot about this colt because when the disciples said that they were taking him away there was no big protest about him leaving.

And we don’t ever really know how much people value our presence until its time for us to leave. Sometimes the people that God calls us away from are just as glad to see us go, as we are to leave. Because usually when God has a calling on your life you don’t really fit in with the world anyhow. Most of the time the folk who God has a divine purpose and plan for and will do great things in the kingdom are not very useful to the world.

My brothers and sisters no one might see the potential in you. but Jesus knows where you are and he knows where your going. People might not see anything in you that is worth while, people might not have any significant use for you, but God does.

Some of us have been lead around like a pack mule doing miniscule tasks and being looked over for more meaningful work. And it seems that no one knows that deep down inside there is a divine destiny And a hunger for greatness in you. But God knows.

And don’t you dare give up on your dream don’t let people tell you that you’re a nobody. Refuse to accept a mediocre existence. You might not have anything now but keep on looking up. better days ahead. And when God calls you….. when your names been changed……… he’s able to make princes from paupers, and kings from slaves. Just have faith in God and he will make your dreams and hopes come alive. ……Have I got a witness here?

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