
Summary: Samaritan woman got a chance to drink this living water. This living water speaks and reveals numerous facets of Jesus. There was a deep desire or stronger urge to reveal or share about Jesus when the Samaritan drank this water. She could not hold back this stronger urge to share about Jesus

God in His mercy gave a young person a vision of Living Water. The young person was escorted to the bank of a glittering river in this vision. When viewed from various angles, the river appeared to be radiating many colours. Alongside the young individual, a visitor was present. The visitor told the young man to take some water in the hand and start drinking this water. The young person took some water in his hand.

The water was sparkling brightly and smelled like roses. When he picked the water to drink, he heard some voices in the water. Then he realised the water spoke. As he was about to drink the living water, from the living water he heard lot of words about Jesus like Jesus was a merciful God, Jesus was a compassionate father, do you know Jesus as Father, you are blessed that you know about Jesus, I had a privilege to see Jesus, Jesus came by yesterday, etc.

The living water asks some questions or revealed some facts about Jesus. The young person took roughly 200 ml of water in his hand and heard 200 different voices each mentioning something unique about Jesus. Each droplet or millilitre spoke something unique about Jesus. There were about 20 lakh litres of water in the river. The river of living water had 200 crore droplets of water and each droplet tells something unique about Jesus. Saints and broken people are given this privilege to drink from this river of living water.

Because the water is a living thing that can speak, think and has no death, it is known as “living water.” This water is overflowing with the life of Jesus. So, the living water’s voice describes about Jesus.

Samaritan woman got a chance to drink this living water. This living water speaks and reveals numerous facets of Jesus. There was a deep desire or stronger urge to reveal or share about Jesus when the Samaritan drank this water. She could not hold back this stronger urge to share about Jesus. She immediately put her past and current circumstances aside and began talking to residents of the town about Jesus. Living water creates a stronger desire to share about Jesus.

The water that the Samaritan woman drank was the living water. The Samaritan woman became a place/ vessel of living water, where the living water within her began to speak of Jesus. The living water reveals/speaks about Jesus. This revelation of Jesus gave life to people around her. Living water itself does not give life. The overflowing nature of Jesus in the living water gives life.

Slowly over a period the living water inside will become the fountain of living water where Jesus’s life will be poured out to people. The Samaritan woman over the course of time became an evangelist, according to history.

At the Cross, the fountain of living waters was opened. These riches and treasures of God in Jesus were opened.

A person who got a taste of living water cannot remain silent. There will be bubbling joy within them to share about Jesus.

Ask God to give you a taste of the living water and to make you a vessel that always makes Jesus known to others.

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