
Summary: Building our lives for Christ and to become everything that He wants us to become.

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Living The Dream – Moving In & Moving Out

Today we continue our series called Preparing To Build, Seeing the Vision and Living The Dream. In fact, we conclude this series today. And as you can see, our house is done. We’ve done all the right things, and today it’s complete.

Over the past 8 weeks, we’ve focused on what it takes to build a house, what it takes to build a church, but most importantly, what it takes to build your life for Christ. We’ve looked closely at the things that we must to do to be successful in our lives for Christ.

And that is what I hope we are all aiming for…to build our lives for Christ and to become everything that He wants us to become.

I want to take just a few minutes to go back through the steps that we’ve taken over these 8 weeks because it is important that we remember them at every stage in our walk with Him.

On July 8, 2007 – “Preparing to Build: A New Journey Begins”

On July 15, 2007 – “Preparing to Build: Choosing A Builder”

On July 22, 2007 – “Preparing to Build: In Order to Build Up You Have to Dig Down”

Colossians 2:6-7

As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, 7 rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.

These two verses focus on our SALVATION, our SUBMISSION, and our SANCTIFICATION.

On July 29, 2007 – “Preparing to Build: Consulting the Blueprint before Buying the Nails!

1. Faith

2. Prayer

3. Bible Study

4. Obedience

On August 5, 2007 – “Seeing the Vision: Seeing the Cross”

These “load bearing truths” are:

Jesus is God.

Jesus Paid it All.

Jesus Rose from the Dead.

Jesus Guarantees our Future.

Jesus is Coming Back.

On August 12, 2007 – “Seeing the Vision: Counting the Cost”

We encouraged you to not get discouraged. We talked about being focused on the finish line!

Last Week - August 19, 2007 – “Seeing the Vision: Good Intentions vs Genuine Commitment”

1. The Integrity of the Foundation

2. The Power Supply

3. Exterior Trim Work

4. The Custom Installations

5. Choosing the Door

And TODAY – “Living the Dream: Moving In & Moving Out”

Today, we get to experience what God has patiently conditioned our church for over five decades. New goals for a new day at TRBC. But far more important, NEW GOALS FOR A NEW YOU!

You see, as we’ve built this house over the past 8 weeks, we’ve gone through the steps we must endure to complete the task. And we’ve used these illustrations to talk about the steps we must take in our own lives as well.

And I can tell you that these steps we’ve talked about are critical in every single one of our lives. None of us are above the steps we’ve talked about. None of us are above going through these steps on a daily basis. Why? Because if we don’t go through them, we will fail in our personal walk with Him.

And, as your pastor, I can tell you that my goal…my calling…is to do everything that I possibly can to help you be successful in your walk with Christ. This JESUS FIRST pin, for 30 years has been part of this process. Tens of millions of them have been sent around the world. They’re in Main Street, you can get them on the website, they’re free. We’d love to send out tens of millions more.

In a building project, when you get to this phase of the project…when you’re ready to move in…the excitement level is off the charts. The furniture starts going in, the decorations start going up, the pictures are hung, the junk is hidden, and you begin to enjoy the results of your labor. YOU GET TO MOVE IN!

And this is when you’re thrilled over what’s been accomplished. You’re on top of the world. You’re proud of what’s been done.

This is when the building process really gets fun. All of the work is complete and you get to enjoy it.

In life, we see the exact same thing. We get to the point where we are living for God, doing what He commands, getting our lives right and do we feel great about it!

We’re proud of the fact that we are on top of things spiritually. We’re seeing that right now at TRBC. We rejoice every day over what we’ve seen happen this past Summer in our church. Around 400 that have prayed to receive Christ, over 300 baptisms, around 750 that have joined the church…and we are so excited about it.

We’ve talked about the many victories we’ve seen. We’ve talked about the lives that have been changed. We’ve seen people that we’ve been praying for walk these aisles and accept Christ. Doesn’t it feel good?

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