
Living the Commission

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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Understanding the importance of living out the Great Commission in our daily lives and relying on the Holy Spirit for guidance and strength.

Living the Commission

Youth Group Plan: Living the Commission (Matthew 10:16-18, Acts 1:8)

Youth Sermon: Living the Commission

Living Out the Mission Jesus Has Given Us

Today, we're gonna talk about living out the mission Jesus has given us. You know, going all in for Jesus. So, let's dive right in!

Object Lesson: Grab a flashlight and turn it on. See how it lights up the room? That's like us when we're filled with the Holy Spirit. We can shine Jesus' light into the dark world around us. But if we cover the flashlight, the light can't shine. We need to let the Holy Spirit work in us so we can shine bright for Jesus!

We need to let the Holy Spirit work in us so we can shine bright for Jesus!

Following Jesus Isn't Always Easy

Following Jesus isn't always easy. In fact, He told us we'd face some tough times. Check out Matthew 10:16-18. Jesus says we're like sheep among wolves. But don't worry, He's got our back. We just need to be ready to share His love, even when it's hard.

The Holy Spirit Is Our Helper

Jesus didn't leave us alone to face these challenges. He sent the Holy Spirit to help us. Acts 1:8 tells us that the Holy Spirit gives us power to be witnesses for Jesus. And in John 14:26, Jesus calls the Holy Spirit our comforter. So, we've got the best help ever!

Love One Another

The most important thing we can do as followers of Jesus is to love one another. John 13:35 says that our love for each other shows the world that we belong to Jesus. So, let's make sure we're loving each other well!

Sharing Jesus' Love

This week, let's be intentional about sharing Jesus' love with others. Maybe that means inviting a friend to youth group, or just being kind to someone who's having a rough day. Let's let the Holy Spirit guide us and help us shine Jesus' light in our world.


"God, thank You for giving us the Holy Spirit to help us live out the mission You've given us. Help us to be bold and share Your love with others, even when it's tough. Guide us this week as we try to shine Your light in our world. Amen."

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. How can we actively live out the Great Commission in our daily lives?

2. What challenges have you faced when trying to share your faith with others?

3. How can we rely on the Holy Spirit for guidance and strength in living out the Great Commission?

4. Why is love such an important aspect of living out the Great Commission?

5. How can we work together as a youth group to make a greater impact in our community?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Sheep Among Wolves

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