Living Stones: Purpose Series
Contributed by Justin Ford on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: 2nd in a Capital Fundraising Campaign Series
ACTS 10:36 & ECCL. 1
We’re in week 3 of our 7 week series “Living Stones”
where we as a church have been given
the God-sized task, after nearly 100 years, (pic of Phase 1)
of building a new facility and a new campus
that will allow us to meet the needs
of the Oakdale community and beyond for the NEXT 100 years
and have now been challenged with determining
how we as individuals and families will support that vision
And what we’re trying to do during the Living Stones campaign
is give you the truths and principles, even tools
to help you make a decision that is pleasing to God
Then, on Dec 2, we’re all going to come together
for a combined worship service to share the results of our campaign
and celebrate all that God has done and will do for OBC!
Now, if you’re a guest or still pretty new to Oakdale,
there’s no pressure for you to participate in the LS campaign.
But . . . I think it’s important for you to know
that you represent THE reason we’re trying to honor God
through this Fund Raising and Building Campaign.
Now, strange as it may seem, I want to begin this morning
by asking you to think about your death.
Aren’t you glad you came to church this morning?
Now, I’m being serious. I don’t think we spend enough time
thinking about our death and the implication it has on,
for lack of a better way to say it, our life!
You see, as humans, death is an inevitable part of life
Unless God intervenes in human history during our lifetime,
each of us WILL experience death.
It’s inevitable, it’s unavoidable
and the mortality rate for humans is 100%!
For each of us, there WILL come a day when a preacher
will stand at the head of our grave and summarize our life
Now, occasionally, when someone dies, you’ll hear a preacher
talk about how that person lived “their dash”
It’s a reference to the tombstone (pic)
Most of the time, on a tomb stone,
there will be a date of birth, a date of death,
and a dash in between(pic)
And any good preacher will tell you,
it’s not the DATES but the DASH that should matter.
IOW, it’s everything that happens BETWEEN birth and death
that determines whether or not we lived a life of significance
A few weeks ago I told you the story
of a woman who suffered the misfortune of dying
at a time when the only person available at the local newspaper
to write her obituary was the sports director.
And so, because he could think of nothing
significant that had ever taken place in her life,
her obit read: “Saturday, we inter the bones of Miss Emily Jones,
Her life held no terrors.
She lived and old maid, she died an old maid,” . . .
anybody remember the rest? “no hits, no runs, no errors!”
Now, I think it’s safe to say that none of us
want that kind of obit written about our lives when we die. Right?
There is something in human nature
that longs for significance, isn’t there?
So let me ask you a question:
If you could choose an epitaph to be engraved on your tombstone,
what would you want it to say?
What is the ULTIMATE epitaph for a human’s life?
He was a good person?
She did the best with what she had?
What would it say? Take a moment
and try to answer that question for yourself
Now, I want to suggest to you today
that the ultimate epitaph for a human’s life
was actually written thousands of years ago
for a guy named King David
You remember David?
The boy who slew a giant and became a king?
Had some incredible victories,
made some horrible, horrible mistakes,
but ultimately led God’s nation as a man after God’s own heart.
And here is how the NT sums up
the significance of King David’s life: This is from Acts 13:36
“And David served God’s purpose in his generation.” Acts 13:36
Now, would you agree with me that, as a Christian,
there is no greater significance than that?
To have served God’s purpose in your generation?
To have served GOD. To have accomplished His purpose
and to have done it during your time on earth . . .
THAT is the ultimate epitaph for any Christian
Does everyone agree? Good!
And what I want to show you today
is that you are absolutely RIGHT
but for the absolute WRONG reason!
And here’s why:
Because it’s NOT the DASH that TRULY matters in a person’s life,
but what happens AFTER the dash!
And let me show you what I mean, using David as an example