Living Letters
Contributed by Nick Hodges on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: As Christians #1 We are living letters, not #2 letters of death but #3 letters of hope.
• Do you remember when people would write letters?
• Even though letter writing is still a good way of communication, I would say most people do not utilize it much anymore.
• People do still send cards to celebrate different occasions but how many people truly sit down and write letters today?
• I'm not talking about business letters but personal letters; letters that tell a story about someone's life.
• Today, email, texting, facebook messages have surpassed letter writing
• Those are much quicker forms of communication and you don't have to buy a stamp to put on them so it is no wonder why this form of communication has surpassed letter writing.
• Even though traditional letter writing isn't utilized that much anymore living letters still exist!
• In 2 Corinthians 3 Paul discusses living letters.
• As Christians #1 We are living letters, not #2 letters of death but #3 letters of hope.
• Pray
We are Living Letters
• 2 Corinthians 3:1-6
• As I stated, writing personal letters is something that for the most part has gone by the wayside.
• However, people still write letters of recommendation or even cover letters for their resume.
• There were false teachers/apostles that had come to instruct the Corinthians and many had bought into their teachings.
• Paul refers to these false apostles previously in 2 Corinthians 2:17
• We see Paul go through this back and forth with the Corinthians correcting some of their behavior.
• When these false apostles showed up to Corinth they had brought along with them letters of recommendation.
• These letters of recommendation were used by early Christians to introduce themselves when they would enter a new town.
• We still use recommendations on resumes today as a means to get to know the person and their work that much more.
• Paul, however did not feel the need to use these letters of recommendation.
• He tells the Corinthians that you are our living letters!
• Look at v2 again
• What Paul is saying is that the Corinthians are the fruit of His ministry - His proof of being used as an Apostle by Jesus Christ.
• Why bring a letter when the proof is standing before you, living and breathing right before your very eyes!
• Did Paul change the Corinthians?
• Did Paul save them and transform them? No!
• However he was obedient to serve Jesus Christ and Christ did a mighty work through Paul.
• I wonder when people look at us, who proclaim to be Christians, I wonder what they read?
• Paul was saying that you could look at the Corinthians and read or see transformation through Jesus Christ.
• When people look at our lives can they tell that we have been transformed through salvation in Jesus Christ?
• Can they tell that He is now the Lord of our lives?
• Are you a Living Letter representing Jesus Christ?
Letters of Death
• 2 Corinthians 3:7-11
• Paul was preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ but there were false apostles in Corinth as well.
• Who were these false apostles?
• These false apostles can be characterized as Judaizers.
• A Judaizer was one who added an extra layer to the gospel.
• A Judaizer taught that you must obey the Law in addition to believing in Jesus Christ.
• Now we know that in order for one to be saved that person must accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
• However the Judaizers could not break loose of their traditions, their customs and most of all, the Law.
• Paul begins to explain the differences between the Law of Moses and the Grace of Jesus Christ.
• The Law is represented in the Old Testament, the Old Covenant and the Grace of Jesus Christ is represented in the New Testament, the New Covenant.
• Through the Law we discover that we are sinners.
• Have you ever read the ten commandments and felt an overwhelming sense of guilt?
• It is because the Law is given to convict sinners; it condemns
• It is through the Law that we realize that we are in a wrong relationship with God and that we need forgiveness.
• However there was more to the Law.
• The Law gave dietary regulations, a schedule of festivals, taught how to deal with unclean people, etc.
• There is so much to the Law that we do not practice today.
• Why? Jesus Christ supersedes the Law.
• Jesus Christ did not come to abolish the Law but to fulfill it.
• We are saved through faith in Jesus Christ alone.
• We are not saved by faith in Jesus Christ plus works, plus keeping traditions, plus keeping ceremonial laws, etc.