Living In Your True Identity
Contributed by Lalachan Abraham on Nov 17, 2022 (message contributor)
Summary: Who am I? The answer to this question will impact all the areas of your life, including your work, career, marriage, family, present, and future, how you relate to others, how you respond to life’s situations, & ultimately where you spend eternity.
Who am I? What is my identity? How do I see myself? How does God see me? These are questions that require thoughtful study. The answers to these questions will impact all the areas of your life, including your work, career, marriage, family, present, and future, how you relate to others, how you respond to life’s situations, and ultimately where you spend eternity.
Too often, people base their identities on what they do (from their jobs to their roles in relationships), defining themselves by those pursuits. Identifying with a Job or Title. This is a common mistake, but understandably so. For centuries people have been defined by their jobs. But by doing so, they significantly limit their lives. Unfortunately, most of us spend a great majority of our time and energy trying to be like someone else. To be honest, sometimes we wish we were someone else. We dress like other people, act like other people, and spend time and energy trying to be a replica of someone else. And yet God made us uniquely, and nobody else on the entire planet has the same DNA. So, Seeing Yourself as God Sees You Matters.
How to discover your true self. There are many books written on the topic of self-esteem and self-identity. Only one book, however, remains the same over time and is true for all situations and all people. This book is the Bible. Through it, God gives us His perspective on who we are and our relationship with Him. It lays a true foundation for self-identity. Are you relying on something or someone else to define who you are? or are you trying to rediscover your true identity? I will try to answer this question based on what God says in His Word, the Bible.
In the book of Psalms, David writes in chapter 139 verses 13 and 14: “You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. “I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvellous are Your works, and I know this very well. (Psalm 139:13-14)
The meaning behind this famous verse is incredibly simplistic and also oceans deep. Fearfully and wonderfully made in this context does not mean being literally scared or afraid. It means quite the opposite - that you were created with great reverence, heart-felt interest, and respect to be unique and set apart! Each one of us is individually handcrafted and there is something fearful about how we've been made. The expression imports the dignity and sanctity of man compared to other creatures in this lower world. Because all humanity is fearfully and wonderfully made by the Lord, He owns all humanity as well as the rest of the world He created, governs, and sustains. Since all humanity is fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God, all humanity should be treated with dignity and respect. We are fearfully made, as our frame demonstrates God's power, wisdom, and presence. Such a wonderful composition as a man could not be the effect of chance. It must be the work of an infinite, independent, all-wise Creator.
The human body is not merely a human body. It is an extraordinary work of art by the God of all creation. The human body is a unique design of multiple systems that all work intricately together. The cardiovascular system gives you the energy to move. The muscular system gives you the ability to move, lift, and hold things. The digestive system processes food into energy and discards waste. The immune system keeps you healthy. The hormonal system determines your gender. The eyes cause you to see. The nose lets you smell. The tongue and mouth let you eat and taste. The ears enable you to hear. And your skin enables you to feel textures. You have the ability to encounter an incredibly diverse world with an equally amazing diverse body! Then you were also blessed with a brain so you can think, process, and create. Your mind, will, and emotions help you to relate to other people and feel compassion. All of these systems (plus many more) were uniquely designed to make you who you are.
You have the innate ability to discern right from wrong. Although, that ability is hindered somewhat until you connect with your Creator. He didn’t just design you to do your own thing. He created you so you would desire an ongoing relationship with Him. You were made with a vacuum in the center of your soul that only one thing fits. Until you find that very specific something, you will never be fulfilled. And that very specific something is God Himself. You were designed with an intense need of your Creator, God. Without a relationship with Him, you will always be searching for something to fill that void.