
Summary: The implication of God’s grace which is through Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit, aiding the believer in embracing righteousness & sanctification!!!

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Text: Romans 12:1-2

Thought: “Living God’s Way”

Theme: Christian Ethics & Conduct

Point: Accountability


Our epistle identifies its author as “Paul the Apostle”. A few people from past centuries questioned the Pauline authorship of the Epistle to the Romans, but no one has successfully challenged the epistles authenticity. Roman’s is used as the standard against which the authenticity of other epistles attributed to Paul is measured. As in the case with all of the Pauline Epistles, the word derives its canonical name from the recipients of the letter and not from the name of its author.

Chapter 1, the Apostle Paul addressed in the epistle to “all God’s beloved in Rome”. Romans occupied a significant place in the career of the Apostle Paul, for it was written relatively late in his life. At the time of the writing Paul admits that he has completed his mission to the Eastern Mediterranean world, having “fully proclaimed” the gospel of Christ from Jerusalem, and as far as Illyricum.

Paul then informs the Romans that he is heading to Jerusalem with aid for less fortunate believers in that region. The visit to Jerusalem that Paul announces in Romans 15:25 results in brief incarceration in Jerusalem before being transferred to Caesarea where Paul remained in prison for no less than two years. Having appealed to Caesar, Paul is then conducted to Rome where he remains in custody for two years until his execution.

The epistle of Romans was written at the height of Paul’s apostolic career. Paul probably wrote this epistle from the city of Corinth, he most likely composed his epistle to the Romans during his final three months in Corinth, not long before his departure to Jerusalem. This was his final epistle as a free man, and coming at this late stage in his life.


I. The Mass Appeal

Paul’s plea according to Romans 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, beseech is Parakleo in Greek, meaning to call near or invite, invoke. Paul addresses the church as brethren, not for masculine reasons but as a term of endearment. (connective particle) much like, near or remote. The Greek words Alelphos means a brother, and Aldelphe’- a sister; Adolphotes - a brotherhood or sisterhood which has been made possible by Jesus Christ.

A. God’s Mercies – how and why? Mercy in the Greek is Oiktirmos, meaning pity. This is why Paul’s affectionate approach should lead us to humility, and compliance. “There is a mercy in God, and a mercy that comes from God”. 1. Paul gives description for both in Romans 11, explaining the remnant of Israel, and Israel’s future salvation by transfer of what the Jews forfeited and lost by their unbelief unto us Gentiles. 2. The great invitation: Isaiah 55:3 Incline your ear, and come unto me: hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David. God is a merciful God; therefore let us present our bodies to him, for it is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed. Paul admonishes the believer to present their bodies a living sacrifice.

a. The translation for present is Zao meaning to live.

b. The translation for sacrifice is Thusia meaning spoken of their religious service.

c. The translation for holy is Hagios meaning blameless.

d. The translation for acceptable is Euaresteo meaning to be well pleasing.

e. The translation for reasonable is Logikos, meaning pertaining to reason.

f. The translation for service is Latreia, meaning divine service.

Christ has not made his body only; but his soul an offering for sin that he gave himself for us and gives himself to us.

B. Being A Living Epistle – how and why? Paul is speaking of you as a living organism, being acceptable to God, striving for that great ending of life’s journey of labor to be accepted by the Lord to have him well pleased with our performance. 2Corinthians 5:9 Wherefore we labor, that, whether present or absent we may be accepted by him.

1. It is our reasonable service: Blind devotion, worship in spirit and in truth, praise upon our lips with thanksgiving in our hearts.

2. Isaiah 1:18 Come now, let us reason together. God does not impose upon us anything that is harsh, and unreasonable.

II. Conformity to Christ

C. Paul says to be not conformed to this world, suggesting that we make a conscience decision to spiritual transformation - how and why? The Greek word for conform is Suschematizo, meaning to fashion alike; conform to the same pattern; conform to, fashion self according to…Sustatauroo - together with. Sussomos – united in one body, that is, members of the body of Christ. Soma – used elsewhere of the church, meaning incorporated with the church

D. In Romans 12:2 Paul states, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. The word transformed is translated Metamorphoo in Greek meaning denoting change or condition.

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