Living For The Lord
Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The church must operate in unity ... we are to be together as one!
Living for the Lord
2 Thessalonians 1:1-12
- This is an incredibly interesting letter Paul sends to the church at Corinth
- The main purpose was to correct the doctrinal error that the forgery had created about the day of the Lord.
1. Positive: To commend them and encourage them in their perseverance in the faith;
2. Negative: To rebuke those who had abused this doctrine to their own gain and were sponging off the whole church.
- It is one of those short letters that seems harmless; until we see Paul’s intent
- APP: The msg is simple: To glorify Jesus and reform us to following Him alone
- What we see in the opening sentence here is a clear opportunity for believers
- Read v1 … Notice here, that Paul is NOT traveling alone!!
- He has the company of other believers with him in the ministry
- For a believer; you can NEVER go out on a limb and do things alone
- Sure, you might get some results, but the cost could be disastrous
- Paul, understanding that there is safety in numbers; he has several men with him
- Men, this is something to learn from … accountability (know who’s around you)
- Ladies, this is also something to learn from … discipleship (pouring into others)
- APP: The church must operate in the same manner; we are to be together as one
- Let’s read this chapter and then unpack this together
- Read 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12
- Pray
Point 1 – Unity is Important (V2-5)
- Paul’s letters always reveal something fascinating about his character
- His purpose is to always wish one another grace and peace; for there to be unity
- Of course, for there to be unity there must be the Spirit of the Lord dwelling
- True unity is not man-made (documents don’t create it); it’s from God alone
- (3-4) Paul’s boasting here is in what God is doing in these churches and lives
-- It is a clear indication of the love Paul has for the Lord, to honor Him alone
-- His thankfulness is for the endurance of the church; to the Lord’s ministry
- (5) gives us a clear example of the praise being directed at the One who is holy
- The church is always going to go through persecution; the early church lived this
- Many wish to have been alive during this time; but forget the struggles
- We have been given an incredible gift of unity in Spirit; if we act on it
- This is a clear sign of the righteous being held up when persecution comes
- Our suffering is because we live righteous for the Lord; completely / totally
- When we live for the Lord things happen; to include rebellion and fights
-- However, there is an example of living we must follow and take heed in:
1. We are to be obedient to His commands
2. We are to follow what the Holy Spirit leads us to do
3. Short of these things, we are off on our own with no accountability (v1)
- EX: When playing ball against a team who has a player with no skill …
-- What do we do? We leave him alone; don’t pay attention; push him aside
-- But, when we are faced with a good opponent … we … put a man on him!
-- The devil acts the same way. When we work for the Lord, he puts a man on us
-- It is not something to be ashamed of, but honored to suffer for Jesus like this
Point 2 – Who do we serve? (V6-10)
- (6) God is just – He will always be the victor; He is the level headed official
- The relief that He gives is in the form of honor and blessing; it’s eternal (7)
- When Jesus is revealed there will be a realization of who He is for all who see
- In light of v7; let’s see the revelation of Jesus: Go to Revelation 1:12-16
-- APP: This is the picture of Jesus; fully glorified; that we will one day see
- The outcome is very clear for those who continue to fight against the church
- (8-10) The result from God is very clear for those who tear down the Saints …
-- 1. Punishment from God that you cannot fight or even appeal
-- 2. Destruction (not only physical, but spiritual) --- Luke 12:4-5, “I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after your body has been killed, has authority to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him.”