
Summary: The book of Philippians is perhaps the most personal and heartwarming in nature.


Good Morning Family of Christ church! We are thrilled that you are here joining us this morning. My name is Pastor Steven if you do not know me already and I am one of the Pastors here at the church.

If you have joined us in the past, you know I like to recap last week’s sermons. As you may recall, last week we talked about our identity in Christ. We talked about how important it is to know who we are in Christ and what He has called for us to do. We talked about, as believers, our eternity is secure in heaven and how heaven such is glorious and wonderful place that we do not want to miss.

This morning, we are excited to begin a new four week sermon series on the book of Philippians. Out of all the letters that the apostle Paul wrote, Philippians is perhaps the most personal and heartwarming in nature. It really gives us an window in to Paul’s soul. To give you some historical background, the city of Philipi is located in eastern Macedonia which is ten miles inland from the Agean sea. The church was started around late summer of 50 A.D. on Paul’s second missionary trip with his team of co-laborers. As a result, this church had a strong connection with Paul and would at times send him financial help. This church was so generous that it would also send financial help to believers in Jerusalem.

Paul wrote this letter from a Roman prison to thank the church for their recent generous financial gift. In this letter, Paul encourages the church to continue to press on, and to remain in unity with one another and to walk in the peace that God has for every believer. This peace that God provides is one that “surpasses understanding”.

This morning we are going to tackle the first chapter in this wonderful book. If you brought your bibles today, I would encourage you to track along with me. In this first chapter, there really are three major themes that we will be delving into. These themes are how God loves and rejoices over you, Paul’s loss was others gain, and finally that there is a privilege in suffering.

I. God loves you and rejoices over you

A. See yourself through God’s eyes

a. This letter in Philippians is really a tremendous encouragement. It really encourages us to see ourselves through God’s eyes, to see how much that God values each and every one of us.

b. In many cases, we struggle to find peace and contentment because we down ourselves and are at times, disappointed with ourselves

c. However, God Word gives us light to understand every truth.

d. It is when we listen and take to heart what God says about us, it truly brings a transformation in our lives.

e. We will experience an overwhelmed feeling of God’s love and we will begin to see ourselves in His light.

B. God loves you

a. Let’s hop right into our text this morning. We are starting off in Philippians 1:2-5 NKJV2 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.3 I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, 4 always in every prayer of mine making request for you all with joy, 5 for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now

b. There is probably no parable that demonstrates God’s love towards us than a story that we can all relate to found in the book of Luke chapter 15.

c. This parable talks about a lost sheep, a lost coin and a lost son. This earthly story which gives us heavenly insight and describes the Father’s love for you and me.

d. In each of these stories, shine through truth that no expense was spared.

i. The first parable is about a Shepherd that lost one sheep and the Shepherd left the 99 other sheep to find the one that went astray.

ii. The women who lost a coin feverously searched her home. She lit a lamp, she swept the house thoroughly and carefully until she found the coin.

iii. The third story is about the prodigal son that left home and was lost and then was found.

e. God did not spare anything in His search for you. He gathered together the best and greatest search party ever assembled. Here you are today!! Praise the Lord!

C. God is still working on us

a. After finding us, God then started a work in our hearts and lives.

b. I really love our next text this morning which is found in Philippians 1:6 NKJV being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;

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