We must navigate our life not through our own strength or power, but by the guidance and power of His Spirit.
Zerubbabel, the governor of Jerusalem, faced a seemingly impossible task. God had instructed him to rebuild the temple, which was a daunting challenge. Rebuilding is often more difficult than building from scratch. Zerubbabel encountered opposition from the surrounding people who tried to discourage and distract him. The devil uses fear, steals our joy, and tries to divert our attention from God's work. However, we must remember that God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7).
Zerubbabel became discouraged when things didn't go as expected. The temple construction had come to a standstill, and people had even abandoned the work to focus on their own houses. Some suggested postponing the project to the next generation. However, we must not allow discouragement to hinder our faith and vision for God's kingdom. Fear, lack of faith, and unbelief have no place in our lives. We should make decisions based on trust in God rather than fear.
The devil employs various tactics to discourage us. He tries to frighten us with fear, devour our joy, and distract us from God's work. However, we must remember Jesus' words in Matthew 6:33, "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." We should not allow fear, discouragement, or distractions to control our circumstances. Instead, we should trust in God's provision and prioritize His work.
In the midst of Zerubbabel's discouragement, God spoke to him through the prophet Zechariah. The Lord assured Zerubbabel that the temple would be built, not by human might or power, but by His Spirit. God wanted to prove Himself to Zerubbabel and the people of Jerusalem. He desired to demonstrate His strength and faithfulness to those who remained loyal to Him.
God wants to prove Himself to us as well. He wants to reveal His power and perform miracles in our lives. When we face challenging circumstances, we must remember that it is not by our own strength or abilities that we will overcome, but by relying on God's Spirit. Just as He promised Zerubbabel, God will make mountains into plains and bring forth the completion of His work. He scans the earth, seeking those whose hearts are fully committed to Him, so that He can strengthen and bless them.
If you find yourself facing overwhelming circumstances, feeling discouraged, or needing God to prove Himself in your life, I invite you to come forward for prayer. Let us surrender our situations to God and trust in His Spirit to guide us. Remember, it is not by our might or power, but by God's Spirit that we will experience victory and see His work accomplished in and through us.
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