
Living a Purposeful Life

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 26, 2023
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Understand and embrace the truth that God intimately knows and has a unique plan for each of us, and we should live each day with intentionality, recognizing His guidance in our lives.


Good morning, church family! Today we're going to dive deep into a passage from Psalm 139, verses 13-16. This Scripture is a reminder of how intimately God is involved in our lives. He knew us before we were even born, and He has a unique plan for each one of us.

Let's read this Scripture together.

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."

Isn't it amazing to think that God planned out every one of our days before we even took our first breath? Not only does He know us, but He wants us to live with intentionality, to recognize His plan for our lives, and to trust in His guidance.

In the words of Rick Warren, "You were made by God and for God, and until you understand that, life will never make sense." When we truly grasp this, we start to see our everyday choices and challenges in a new light. We begin to live with purpose, trusting that God is guiding us every step of the way.

Let's pray.

Heavenly Father, as we delve into Your Word today, open our hearts and our minds to Your truth. Help us to recognize Your hand in our lives and to trust in Your guidance. Teach us to live each day with intentionality, knowing that we are fearfully and wonderfully made by You. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

Recognizing God's Plan for Our Lives

Recognizing God's plan for our lives is an understanding that we are not just random beings in a vast universe, but rather, we are intricately designed creations of a loving God who has a specific plan and purpose for each one of us. This understanding begins with the acknowledgment of God as our Creator, as depicted in Psalm 139. The psalmist declares that God created our inmost being and knit us together in our mother's womb, a vivid imagery of God's intimate involvement in our formation even before our birth.

Doesn't stop at our birth: The psalmist further reveals that all our days were ordained and written in God's book before one of them came to be. This suggests that God has a preordained plan for each of our lives. However, recognizing this plan requires a deep, personal relationship with God. It requires spending time in His presence, seeking His face through prayer and His Word, and being sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. As we draw closer to God, we begin to discern His voice and His direction for our lives.

Understanding our unique design and gifting: The psalmist praises God for being fearfully and wonderfully made. Each of us has been endowed with specific talents, abilities, and passions that align with God's plan for our lives. Recognizing these gifts and using them for God's glory is a significant step in understanding His plan for us.

Not always clear: There will be times of uncertainty, confusion, and even failure. But even in these times, we can trust that God is at work. He uses every situation, every challenge, and even our mistakes to shape us, to grow us, and to guide us towards His purposes.

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About His glory: His plan involves molding us to be more like Christ, using us to advance His kingdom, and working through us to impact the lives of others. This may involve stepping out of our comfort zones, taking up our cross, and following Him wherever He leads.

A journey of faith: It requires trust, surrender, and obedience. It involves letting go of our plans and embracing His. It means believing that His plans are always better, His timing is always perfect, and His ways are always higher than ours.

Proverbs 3:5-6: "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." This is the essence of recognizing and walking in God's plan for our lives - trusting Him completely, leaning not on our own understanding, and submitting to His will in all things.

Pastor, here would be a good place to share a personal story about how you have seen God’s purpose for you and how he communicated these things to you.

Living with Intentionality

Living with intentionality is about making conscious choices in our lives that align with God's plan for us ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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