
Summary: This closing sermon emphasizes the importance of continuing to cultivate a life attuned to hearing and following God’s voice. It calls the congregation to embrace the journey of listening, trusting, and obeying God’s direction daily.

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We’ve spent weeks exploring what it means to hear God’s voice. We’ve discussed how tuning out the noise of the world, recognizing the Shepherd’s call, trusting His guidance, discerning between voices, obeying His commands, and walking in divine purpose are all key elements of hearing and following the voice of God. Today, as we close out this series, we come to a simple yet profound question: What now?

Hearing God’s voice is not just a series of teachings—it is a lifestyle. It is a continual, day-by-day relationship with the living God who desires to speak to His children. As we move beyond this series, we must take what we’ve learned and apply it to every aspect of our lives. God doesn’t want us to just hear His voice on Sundays or during special moments of prayer. He wants us to live a life attuned to His voice—walking with Him, listening to Him, and responding to Him in every season.

In this final sermon, we will look at how we can live a life that is continuously attuned to God’s voice. We’ll explore how to carry the lessons we’ve learned into the future, ensuring that we remain sensitive to His leading as we move forward in our walk with Him. The Christian life is not a one-time hearing of God’s voice—it is a lifelong journey of listening, trusting, and obeying. God is still speaking, and He is inviting us to live a life fully attuned to His voice.

1. Hearing is a Daily Practice

One of the most important things we must understand about hearing God’s voice is that it is not a one-time event. It is a daily practice. Isaiah 30:21 gives us a beautiful promise: "And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it." This verse reminds us that God is continually speaking, continually guiding, and continually leading us on the path He has prepared for us. But in order to hear that voice, we must cultivate the habit of listening.

Daily hearing requires intentionality. Just as we need daily nourishment for our bodies, we need daily spiritual nourishment through the voice of God. Jesus said in Matthew 4:4, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." God’s word is our daily bread, and we must make space in our lives to hear His voice each day. This means prioritizing time in prayer, in His Word, and in quiet reflection where we can tune in to what God is saying.

Think about it this way: in any relationship, communication is key. A relationship where there is no communication quickly becomes distant. In the same way, if we are not regularly hearing from God, our relationship with Him can become distant. But when we make hearing His voice a daily practice, our relationship with Him grows stronger, deeper, and more intimate.

Consider the example of Jesus. Even though He was the Son of God, Jesus made it a priority to spend time alone with the Father, listening to His voice. Luke 5:16 tells us, "And he withdrew himself into the wilderness, and prayed." If Jesus needed to make time to hear from God, how much more do we need to do the same? A life attuned to God’s voice is a life that makes space for daily encounters with Him.

But hearing God’s voice daily doesn’t always mean hearing something new or profound. Sometimes, God speaks to remind us of what He has already said. He brings to our minds the promises of Scripture, the guidance He has already given, and the truths we need to hold on to. Our job is to keep our ears open, ready to hear what He is saying today, whether it’s a new direction or a reminder of something He has already spoken.

2. Trusting God's Voice Requires Faith and Action

Hearing God’s voice is one thing—trusting it and acting on it is another. Throughout this series, we’ve seen how trust is essential to following God’s guidance. Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us to "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Trusting God’s voice means believing that He knows what is best for us, even when we don’t understand His plan.

As we move forward, we must be people who not only hear God’s voice but trust it and act on it. Trusting God’s voice often requires us to take steps of faith—sometimes bold, sometimes small—but always rooted in the belief that His ways are higher than ours. There will be times when God calls us to step out into the unknown, to take risks, or to follow Him into new territory. In those moments, we must choose to trust that His voice is leading us toward His best.

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